Briefly state why you think this character name should be deemed "not family safe" We do, of course, reserve the right to remove or edit any content we deem not appropriate for the vast majority of our users. in-depth analysis of Clytemnestra. Copper leaf prefers filtered light and requires regular watering to ensure constant moisture in the soil. The Old Man is the faithful servant to whom Electra entrusted Orestes as a young boy. Character … Mark this character name as "not family-safe". His great desire is to eliminate threats to his way of life; always cruel to Electra, he wants to lock her away along with her perpetual grieving, and he celebrates Orestes' supposed death. North Hollywood, CA. References. Male: Chrysothemis, the first winner of the oldest contest held at the Pythian Games, the singing of a hymn to Apollo. The thick and succulent stems are usually grown upright. Read an Agamemnon and His Daughters. The name originates from Greek mythology.

Agamemnon and Clytemnestra had four children: one son, Orestes, and three daughters, Iphigenia, Electra and Chrysothemis. By Clytemnestra, Agamemnon had a son, Orestes, and three daughters, Iphigeneia (Iphianassa), Electra (Laodice), and Chrysothemis. Maia Desanti.

Still a youth, Orestes is somewhat naïve and inexperienced. Unlike her sister, Electra, Chrysothemis did not protest or enact vengeance against their mother for having an affair with Aegisthus and then killing their father. Note, this will not necessarily censor the image or page, but we have to know which pages we can't run ads on. Saved as a young child by Electra and smuggled away to Phocia after Agamemnon's murder, he has now returned to Mycenae to avenge his father's death, as instructed by the oracle of Apollo. After Atreus was murdered by his nephew Aegisthus (son of Thyestes), Agamemnon and Menelaus took refuge with Tyndareus, king of Sparta, whose daughters, Clytemnestra and Helen, they respectively married.

Visit to buy new and used textbooks, and check out our award-winning NOOK tablets and eReaders. Chrysothemis pulchella (also known as sunset bells, black flamingo, copper leaf or simply chryothemis[2]) is a tender tropical perennial plant that belongs to the family Gesneriaceae. Leaves are large, dark-green with brown touch and very ornamental. During spring to summer, the plant blooms with very showy orange-red flowers. Chrysothemis is the younger daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon. Chrysothemis was a daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon. Aegisthus is the paramour of Clytemnestra and responsible for the murder of Agamemnon. Try to be specific in what you're reporting on -- if you are reporting a non-safe image, click on the image and make the report from the gallery page. Although she recognizes her mother's corruption and although she understands the injustice of her father's murder, she refuses to mourn in the way that her sister, Electra, does. The chorus is comprised of the virgins of the palace. Text is … The name originates from Greek mythology. [4] Among its genus, Chrysothemis pulchella (beautiful) is the most widespread species, the most variable, and the one found most often in cultivation. SparkNotes is brought to you by Barnes & Noble. The corolla is short-lived, lasting only a day or two, but the colored calyx is very long-lasting and decorative.

e.g. Agamemnon and His Daughters. Agamemnon and Clytemnestra had five children: four daughters, Iphigeneia, Electra, Chrysothemis, and Iphianissa and one son, Orestes. Arena Stage Arena Stage Fichandler Stage. in-depth analysis of Electra.

Traditionally reserved and conservative, this chorus abandons its conventional stance to whole-heartedly support both Electra and the play's final act of vengeance. Chrysothemis is a genus of about six species. in-depth analysis of Orestes. She appears in Sophocles's Electra. The Old Man smuggle Orestes to Phocia, where he served as the boy's tutor and guardian.

She is stubbornly devoted to the principles of justice, reverence, and honor, although oftentimes her grasp on these principles seems questionable. Iphigenia was sacrificed by Agamemnon, her father, to appease the wrath of the goddess Artemis - an act which provoked Clytemnestra to kill Agamemnon. Like Clytemnestra, he is aware of the uneasy foundations upon which his position rests. Orestes is the son of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon, and therefore, he is the rightful king of Argos. Unlike Electra, who adheres to the principles of justice, Chrysothemis clings to the principle of expediency in the hopes of maximizing her own comfort and profit. The tubers get dormant if temperature gets too low. Pylades is Orestes's silent friend who accompanies him and the Old Man to Mycenae to exact revenge for Agamemnon's death.

Electra is the eldest daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon. [5],,,,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 29 September 2020, at 03:07.
Chrysothemis (daughter of Agamemnon) has appeared in the following books: Ajax/Electra/Oedipus Tyrannus

Read an Read an The bright yellow corolla, with some red stripes or spots, is about twice the length of the calyx, with a narrow tube and flaring lobes.

for a photograph: "sheer clothing", "suggestive pose" ; for a play: an offensive, sexually explicit, or very profane title... basically anything your wouldn't want your neighbor's 12 year old kid to see if you were babysitting. Washington, DC. She realizes that she will gain the greatest benefits by siding with those in control. He extended his dominion by conquest and became the most powerful prince in Greece. Chrysothemis was a daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon. The plant has tubers at the base of the stem, and sometimes also in the leaf axils. He acts because he has been so instructed by Apollo's oracle, and not as motivated by intense or deep emotion. He is advised and accompanied by his tutor and keeper, the Old Man, and his silent friend, Pylades. The flowers are formed densely together as a bunch of foliage.[3].

Among its genus, Chrysothemis pulchella (beautiful) is the most widespread species, the most variable, and the one found most often in cultivation.

Below certain temperature, the leaves and stem vanish and the dormant tubers starts to regrow the plant later when the right weather appears. Poorly treated by her mother and her mother's husband, Aegisthus, she spends her days mourning her father's murder and awaiting the return of her brother, Orestes, whom she believes will help her to carry out that which she most longs for: vengeance for her father's death. Menelaus succeeded Tyndareus in Sparta, while Agamemnon, with his brother's assistance, drove out Aegisthus and Thyestes to recover his father's kingdom. She loves wealth and well being, both of which she enjoys, but she is clearly haunted by her past actions and aware that her current happiness rests on uneasy ground. Chrysothemis is a genus of about six species.