Chansey is one of the most sought after Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Chansey is a kindhearted Pokemon who will share its eggs with injured people and Pokémon. Here's some cities of the world that you can directly jump to see the pokemon locations there: If you want to know what pokemons spawn in your location area around Surabaya this Pokemon Go Map Radar will help you. If you’re fighting a Chansey at a gym, the Pokemon that is most effective against it is Machamp, specifically a Machamp with a Counter and Dynamic Punch moveset. In desert biomes, it is often the case that Pokemon trainers will encounter Chansey several times a day, while others have literally never once encountered a Chansey. Unfortunately for those who live outside of the areas where Chansey spawns, there do not exist any Chansey nests. So where can Chansey be located in the wild, and what are its relevant stats? One of the most sought after Pokemon in Pokemon Go is Chansey, a creature that has remained quite elusive over the past several months.,,, Pokémon Go Raid Battle Secrets, Gym Raid Bosses, Gen 1 and 2 Legendary Pokemon and Item Rewards, - College and University Scholarships and Grants Free, Pokémon Go news and Pokémon Go updates in October 2019. Game Freak / Pokemon Company Chansey’s overall bulk can make catching this Pokemon rather difficult. 2) Click the location on the Pokemon map to place a marker. It’s the basis for her signature move, Soft-Boiled. Chansey’s base attack is 60, while its base defense is 176. What our map offers are now requirements for the best Pokémon Go maps: a "Refresh Map" option for what Pokémon But new community driven Pokevolver Pokémon Go map have popped up, ignoring that prohibition. It seems that other Pokémon’s efforts to take its delicious, nutritious egg away from it caused Chansey to get faster at fleeing. If you’re on the hunt for Chansey, then, you’ll want to focus in your efforts on areas where those Pokemon are found. Select your location and the pokemon gen 1 or gen 2 you are looking for or just "all pokemons" and press refresh the map button. According to Pokemon Go Info, the best offensive moveset for Chansey is Pound and Hyper Beam, while the best defensive moveset is Zen Headbutt and Dazzling Gleam. Chansey seems to be the Pokemon whose rarity varies the most.

As is the case with a lot of Pokemon, Chansey’s rarity depends largely on the area you live in. According to Pokemon Go Info, the best offensive moveset for Chansey is Pound and Hyper Beam, while the best defensive moveset is Zen Headbutt and Dazzling Gleam. Select your location and the pokemon gen 1 or gen 2 you are looking for or just "all pokemons" and press refresh the map button. Powered by. Now with Generation 2 Pokemon! The Pokemon with the next highest stamina is Wobbuffet, but that Pokemon only has a stamina of 380, so there really is no comparison. However, if you aren’t coming across any Chanseys in the real world, your next best bet is to hatch it from eggs, as Chansey can be hatched from a 10 kilometer egg. Master League: 0 / 5. Let's Go, Pikachu! ‘Pokemon Go’ Chansey: Spawn Locations, Best Moveset, Stats & More, Copyright © 2020 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. It falls into the “rare” category, and it hatches about as often as Mareep and Sudowoodo. 1) In the Selector above chose the Pokemon you want to find. In general, it seems that Chansey spawns most frequently in desert biomes, i.e. Chansey has a maximum CP of 1255, which doesn't even reach the cap for Great League, let alone Ultra League. You can search around the map and see where to find Pokémon locations and nests coordinates.

Ultra Moon: Because the eggs on their bellies have been overharvested by people in the past, the Chansey population remains very small. Here's what you need to know about where it spawns and what its stats are. Its max CP is 1448. That isn’t to say Chansey can never be found elsewhere, however. This GPS hack for Pokemon Go means you can hunt and battle in New York City’s Central Park, for example, from anywhere in the world. areas where there are frequent spawns of Mankey, Geodude, Rhyhorn, Ekans, Meowth, and Growlithe. Where can Chansey be found in ‘Pokemon Go’? Learn all there is to know about Chansey in Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu / Eevee! Unless you're facing a Weedle or something, but go do that in Great League. Pokemon GO Chansey Stats | Max CP | Best Quick Moves & Charge Moves, Spawn Locations, Evolution Requirements, and Chansey Weaknesses. That is the highest stamina of any Pokemon in the entire game with the exception of Blissey, the creature that Chansey evolves into.

If you’re dead set on playing Pokemon Go but live in a barren region, you will need three things: a GPS spoofing app, a mock locations masking module, and a VPN. you'll find near you before they de-spawn. Also effective is  Heracross, especially one with a Counter and Close Combat moveset.

Chansey has literally a 100% loss rate in Master League according to PvPoke. Pokemon Go VPN cheat using a GPS Hack. Disclaimer: This is a community driven Pokemon Go map, so we cannot garantie the exact spawn locations and nests of the pokemon go species and reliability of the information provided.

Part of the reason Chansey is such a desired Pokemon is because its stamina is so high; Chansey has a base stamina of 500. If you want to know what pokemons spawn in your location area around KYIV (KIEV) this Pokemon Go Map Radar will help you. However, it hatches more often than Aerodactyl, Lapras, Snorlax, Miltank, and Skarmory, according to data from The Silph Road. Pokémon Go developer Niantic actively blocks "pokemon go locator" and "map radar" apps from getting its pokemon location map spawn data to find Pokémon in Pokémon Go. Please help us increase the trustworthiness of the Pokemon Go maps by providing more locations coordinates where you are finding the pokemons. Now with Generation 2 Pokemon! Guide includes Pokemon's location, compatible moves, types and base stats. (Niantic). If Chansey raises the egg with love and cares they end up becoming more delicious.