I am thankful that things are simply OK. No worry. I was going to make my first official blog post after my absence about how long it took for my tumor to show signs of shrinking. I went to mass in the morning to pray. Now I have a swollen lymph node in my under arm!!!! On December 20th I was online checking out the Cancer Treatment Centers of America’s (CTCA) website, and decided to start a chat with them via text. Posts about Cancer journey written by miguelgavar. Funny thing is I completely forgot it was my five-year anniversary. Everyone has their own worries. Read more, Ahhhhh side effects. We sure hope so. But what I’m describing are trivial things that we do everyday that, in the big picture, are insignificant or meaningless. Simple things like a sad song or movie would have me crying. Removal of my left testicle and radiation went by so quickly, I don’t think I had enough time to process everything. After my simultaneous radiation and chemo treatments ended on March 2nd, I needed some time to decompress and focus on recovering before my surgery.
This test, which is currently not available in Victoria, determines if the cancer has spread to other organs and lymph nodes by injecting radioactive sugar into my veins. You can’t go to your buddy’s house to watch the big fight because you have a birthday party to go to.
At early stages, there are no symptoms or signs but in my case, a sudden episode of vomiting blood warranted a trip to the emergency. I was shocked, devastated, scared, crushed, depressed and angry. We had made a decision (My wife … Continue reading MY FIRST BLOG … Tim's Cancer Journey. Cancer of the esophagus is the sixth most common cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Today was the day. I was constantly thinking about my past failures and regrets while worrying about my impending future. Funny thing is I completely forgot it was my five-year anniversary. What would I share with other survivors or individuals going through their own cancer journey? I was diagnosed in early December 2018.
I did not want the attention and would have wanted to keep it private but I now decided to share my cancer journey to create awareness about this type of cancer and inspire those who may have been recently diagnosed (with the same or any type of cancer) or know someone who is battling the disease. I wasted a lot of time being checked out of my own mind and body. Being alive and healthy. Although I still struggle with fear, I’m starting to find more confidence in both my words and actions.
This time rounds of chemo over the course of what was supposed to be twelve weeks.
To be honest, staying positive was (it still is) a challenge when you have a lot of things going inside your head, mostly uncertainties. It was exhausting. I thank all our close relatives and dear friends for the prayers and support.
I recently finished David Goggins’ book, “Can’t Hurt Me.” In his memoir he describes a concept called the “cookie jar.” During times of personal struggle or hardship, you reach into your mental cookie jar for extra strength to persevere and push through. Now I have a swollen lymph node in my under arm!!!! You will also find up-to-date postings and news on the pancreatic cancer fight. It was a top priority and to look forward to in 2019. by Suzie Starfish on August 23, 2018. This phrase repeats over and over and over and over. After completing the chemo and radiation therapies at the BC Cancer Agency in Victoria, I had a month to heal and undergo more blood tests, x-rays and CT scan before my surgery. Our Journey. But absolutely nothing to stress over. No words can describe how happy and thankful I am.
I’ve debated if I should share this personal story on social medial or just continue my post-treatment recovery in silence with only my family, a few of my close relatives and friends to share some updates.
Don’t you just love them? I wanted to Read more, Hi everyone!
Here’s the deal with Short Term and Long Term Disability, Dealing With Cancer AND Severe Food Sensitivities At The Same Time, A Great Summary of Important Colorectal Cancer Info, My Side Effects During Radiation Treatment and Simultaneous Chemo….and What Helped Me, What It’s Like Getting 5 1/2 weeks of Radiation Treatment for Rectal Cancer, Managing My Mind & Emotions After Jumping on the Crazy Cancer Carousel, My Experience Getting a Second Opinion at Cancer Treatment Centers of America – Philly location. Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. I couldn’t change the past and I could only do my best right now with no guarantees about the future. A blog about my cancer journey 9/9/2020 ~ Mahalo To Cancer Uncategorized. I am thankful I have one of the best thoracic surgeons in BC who also happens to be the chief of cardio-thoracic surgery at RJH and a UBC School of Medicine clinical instructor. One can only imagine being told and at the same time try to process the thought while waking up from sedation for an endoscopy procedure and ER doctor finding a 3.5 cm mass at the gastric–esophageal junction. We don’t break off terrible relationships because we don’t want to hurt the other person. Standing up to the school bully. Attending school after work to get your GED or degree. This week, I met with my surgeon, the medical and radiation oncologists and they all broke the good news to me together with my wife and my mom that I am now cancer-free. No fear or anxiety. I know, I know……long time no post. Two weeks before Christmas. You never know what you’re gonna get!” Doctors go through these long laundry lists of things that MIGHT happen to you…making your head spin….but you don’t really know what you are going Read more, I really had no idea what to expect when my radiology oncologist told me during my three day orientation that I’d need 5 1/2 weeks of radiation treatments to attempt to kill and shrink my tumor, and attempt to eradicate any cancer in the surrounding rectal lymph nodes (the type of radiation I was given is Read more, Do you know what someone who has been diagnosed with cancer is thinking about? What you think matters today will probably be forgotten this same time next year. Getting through a cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment. I'm a classy and sassy New Jersey native, who loves Paris, Italian shoes (and clothes....who am I kidding), taking long walks, and educating myself as well as inspiring others about holistic approaches to health and well being. And so on. Vaughn & Melinda — Survivors, Caregivers & Loved Ones, A Conversation About Inequities in Cancer Care for Black Americans.
My family and friends offered daily prayers of healing, novenas and masses. And she was right. — Izaak Walton. To borrow a quote from Forrest Gump…… side effects “are like a box of chocolates. Strengthen your mind by practicing being present. I was not gonna wait. Those four months are a blur to me now — much like the first few months when you bring your newborn home. After the New Year, I was started on the recommended treatment protocol for Esophageal-Gastric cancer.
There’s no messing around with cancer cells. There is so much information out there on mindful, present living.
Then I realized I can only allow myself a few days to process this and needed to gear up for a fight. The surgery went well although post-operative pain management is another story.
And, quite Read more, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food”a quote from Hippocrates (father of medicine, BC 431) I totally agree with my Greek friend Hippocrates! I was not in control of my health anymore. To subscribe to The Pancreatic Cancer Journey Blog (no email necessary), right-click on the orange RSS button to the left and then paste the URL into your RSS Reader. So when it’s not one of these times, I appreciate life even more. It seemed like my life lenses were all colored with the question of “Am I even going to be around next year?” There’s that saying, “Time heals all wounds.” I think this is somewhat true. Amen. We did not care, we were prepared to pay for the cost of the test from our own pockets anyway. When I was going through treatment, I would try my best to get through day-to-day. To a young and apparently “healthy” man like me, waking up everyday meant being thankful for another day and facing each day on fight mode. My Stomach Cancer Journey. But alas, another subject has struck a cord with me and I want to talk about it now while it is fresh in my mind. And all I could think was, “This is such bull$*%!.” Now, if I wasn’t going through cancer treatment, I could easily see myself having this exact same conversation with one of my friends — so this has nothing to do with these women. Aloha To Cancer. 4th or 5th one. I remember standing behind two women at Starbucks who were having a conversation about (possibly) not being able to attend a dinner that weekend. I don’t feel a thing.” Until the veteran Oncology nurse scoffed and told me to wait until the end of the week. I cried and cried more…everyday in the car, in the morning when I take a shower, on my few trips up Mt Doug when I just wanted to be alone. The struggle was real with having to undergo 5 cycles of chemotherapy and 23 radiation therapy. We’ll all go through challenging and stressful times in our lives. Join me in this short prayer (taken and modified from Fr.
Are you kidding me? I was in a constant state of fight or flight. The mind runs amok with thoughts of the past (regret) and future (fear).
Help! I continue to pray everyday and I know all my friends who knew are continuing to offer prayers as well. On the blog, advocates and breast cancer survivors share ... she started this blog as a way to connect with others going through the same journey. I’m also thankful for what cancer taught me — which is to appreciate each and every day knowing that we all have limited time here on Earth. Again, I was not gonna wait a few months when the test becomes available in Victoria and I could have had it done at no cost. I’ll tell you! (After all was said and done, with all the starts, stops, delays, and cancellations, it took about 16 weeks to complete all the treatments.) I told myself, “Okay, enough of that. Although I may not be actively thinking about cancer, I believe it still colors my thoughts, decisions and actions.
Raising public awareness of stomach cancer through the eyes of a doctor-turned-patient
I also can’t say I’m glad I got cancer — just like someone wouldn’t say I’m glad this tragic event happened to me. When I was first diagnosed with Colon Cancer in April of 2015 I did not want to broadcast the information.
How quickly we forget about things from five years ago! I claimed I was healed when I started the prayer for healing. About Me; Why a Starfish? The next eight weeks after surgery also meant facing some challenges- the anxiety of having to wait for pathology report for the cancer site that the surgeon removed, the transition from liquid to solid diet over a few days, getting used to a new eating routine and schedule (small amount but more frequent), the overnight feedings of Ensure via jejunostomy tube delivered by feeding pump and preventing further weight loss.
In the end, though, these are all temporary things. Last day of treatment, of radiation. AN HONEST, FUNNY, AND INSPIRATIONAL BLOG ABOUT MY CANCER JOURNEY. Even though I admit that I cried through the beginning of each appointment, and my head was still swirling in the clouds from my diagnosis…I Read more, So……. Actually, this is where I learned about the value and benefits of meditation. We braved the storm on the day we were scheduled to travel to Vancouver for my scheduled PET Scan. I wanted it started ASAP and aggressively. And I thought, f*#k!!