It Needs to Happen, Feds Say, How Facebook Transformed the World in 10 Years, Target CFO: We're Moving on 'Smart Chip' Cards, Jupiter’s Frozen Ocean Moon Could Hide Life, causes large landslides in mountainous areas, 7 Ways the Earth Changes in the Blink of an Eye, Top 10 Deadliest Natural Disasters in History. Earthquakes, including the 2010 temblors in Haiti and Taiwan, might be triggered by tropical cyclones (hurricanes and typhoons) according to a new study. ScienceDaily, 15 October 2019.

This shifting of sediment lifts the weight that keeps faults locked. Researchers from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution as well as Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the U.S. Geological Survey contributed to this research. Shimon Wdowinski, associate research professor of marine geology and geophysics at University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science led the study.

This suggests that stormquakes are strongly influenced by the local oceanographic features and seafloor topography, Fan said. "We're calling them 'stormquakes,'" said lead author Wenyuan Fan, an assistant professor of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science. Wdowinski will discuss his findings during a presentation at the 2011 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco. Even Hurricane Sandy, one of the costliest storms on record in the United States, did not spur stormquakes. SAN FRANCISCO — Typhoons and hurricanes can trigger large earthquakes in tropical regions, a new study suggests. Photos of fiery Mars, nearly at its best in 2 years. Florida State University. Florida International University professor Shimon Wdowinski has been studying whether earthquakes follow hurricanes that cause landslides in areas where there is a fault line. Original written by Kathleen Haughney. Materials provided by Florida State University. 'Like' it or not: 10 things Facebook changed in 10 years, Some developers balk as Apple cracks down on apps that track user info, Evolution debate plays out on creationism's home turf, ‘Talking’ Cars? When the hurricane arrived, numerous seismic events were located off the New England and Nova Scotia coasts, which produced transcontinental surface waves.

Similarly, Hurricane Ike in 2008 caused stormquake activity in the Gulf of Mexico and Hurricane Irene in 2011 did the same near Little Bahama Bank off Florida's shore. During the last 50 years three very wet tropical cyclone events – Typhoons Morakot, Herb and Flossie – were followed within four years by major earthquakes in Taiwan’s mountainous regions. All rights reserved. Previous researchers have suggested that extremely low pressure from storms can trigger quakes in already-strained areas in the very short term, Wdowinski said, but these longer-term linkages are likely caused by a different mechanism. Strong storms generating earthquake-like seismic activity. Additionally, other seismic events such as earthquakes must be ruled out. Earthquakes including Haiti's 2010 magnitude-7.0 temblor and a 6.4-magnitude quake that struck Kaohsiung, Taiwan, the same year, fit this pattern, according to study researcher Shimon Wdowinski, a professor of marine geology and geophysics at the University of Miami. We love your photos and welcome your news tips. "The exciting part is seismic sources caused by hurricanes can last from hours to days." You can follow LiveScience senior writer Stephanie Pappas on Twitter @sipappas. These areas are already tectonically active, with faults building up strain as landmasses creep against one another.
The 2010 M-7 earthquake in Haiti occurred in the mountainous region one-and-a-half years after two hurricanes and two tropical storms drenched the island nation within 25 days.

This figure ma… The result is that faults already under pressure seem more likely to break in the years after very wet tropical cyclones. Below are relevant articles that may interest you. Wenyuan Fan, Jeffrey J. McGuire, Catherine D. Groot‐Hedlin, Michael A.H. Hedlin, Sloan Coats, Julia W. Fiedler. They turned to Taiwan, which has good records of the past 50 years of quakes and storms.

Modern Humans, Neanderthals, in Europe Earlier, The Ancient Neanderthal Hand in Severe COVID-19, Zero-Emissions Power: Fusion Reactor Design. The researchers suggest that rain-induced landslides and excess rain carries eroded material downstream. The research is published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. "The cyclone itself is a disaster, there is a lot of flooding, then there are landslides and then the earthquakes come," Wdowinski said.

The 1996 Typhoon Herb was followed by M-6.2 in 1998 and M-7.6 in 1999 and the 1969 Typhoon Flossie was followed by a M-6.2 in 1972. Florida State University. In the case of Taiwan, 2008's Typhoon Morakot had dumped 115 inches (292 centimeters) of rain in just five days. It is not intended to provide medical or other professional advice. These quakes were preceded by drenching storms that wreaked other kinds of havoc. Earth, Space, Human World, Tonight. Extra rain over the following months further erodes mountains and hills scarred by these landslides. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily, its staff, its contributors, or its partners. “ Questions?

"We have lots of unknowns," Fan said.

(2019, October 15). Specifically, researchers found evidence of more than 10,000 stormquakes from 2006 to 2019 offshore of New England, Florida and in the Gulf of Mexico in the United States, as well as offshore of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and British Columbia in Canada. All lightning on Earth may have its roots in space, new research suggests. Even smaller quakes followed the same pattern, with 35 percent of magnitude-5-and-above quakes occurring within the first four years after wet storms — twice the expected number. "The main engine that's actually responsible for the earthquake is not the wet typhoon," Wdowinski said. Hurricanes are some of the most destructive kinds of natural disasters today. No. Earthquakes, including the recent 2010 temblors in Haiti and Taiwan, might be triggered by tropical cyclones (hurricanes and typhoons) according to a new study. The burden lifted, the fault suddenly slips, causing a quake. Financial support for ScienceDaily comes from advertisements and referral programs, where indicated. Wdowinski said: The reduced load unclamp the faults, which can promote an earthquake.
But when a very wet typhoon or hurricane dumps lots of rain, it often causes large landslides in mountainous areas. Fractures in Earth’s bedrock from the movement of tectonic plates, known as faults, build up stress as they attempt to slide past each other, periodically releasing the stress in the form of an earthquake. As a result the surface load above the fault is lessened. Florida State University.

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Counting Steps: Are You Walking More, But Enjoying It Less? The 2009 Morakot typhoon was followed by a M-6.2 in 2009 and M-6.4 in 2010. Wdowinski developed the idea for …