The Callisto file system relies on CallistoFS.sol core smart-contract (source code).
Callisto Network Blockchain Explorer.

A user can withdraw the deposit at any time.

Callisto Digital's fully managed services empower you to focus on running your business while we support your online technology and marketing requirements. (contract.selectedFunc && ? As many of you are aware, we successfully launched the Callisto (CLO) main net on April 15th, 2018. "Select a function" :}}. The cold staking, is excellent addition to the platform and should encourage investment and holding of the CLO network token. Since its foundation, Callisto Network’s Security Department has conducted more than 300 security audits, which represents an important milestone and strengthens Callisto Network as an audit provider. Telegarm, Latest Block #: {{currentBlockNumber | number}}. Decide which account you wish to own the name & ensure you have multiple backups of that account. Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. & Theft for some recommendations on how to be proactive about your security. The main purpose of this file system is to provide an opportunity to upload, store and view security audit reports, independently from any third-party services. We are working on adding that functionality. There is no way to recover a wallet if you do not save it.

{{selectedFunc == null ? Source Code This is an open source Callisto Network Blockchain Explorer. We would like to thank our community for the outstanding support shown to us during the launch, and in the months leading up to our launch. & Theft for some recommendations on how to be proactive about your security. development. Once the auction has ended (after 5 days / 120 hours), the winner needs to finalize the auction in order to claim their new name. We highly recommend that you read our guide on How to Prevent Loss Each elected IPFS-host-node will receive monthly salary for maintaining the storage. This account is not the owner of {{}}{{objENS.tld}}. {{!
Decide the maximum amount of {{ajaxReq.type}} you are willing to pay for the name (your Bid Amount).Ensure that account has enough to cover your bid + 0.01 {{ajaxReq.type}} for gas. As many of you are aware, we successfully launched the Callisto (CLO) main net on April 15th, 2018.

If you do not reveal your bid, you will not be refunded. The system can be scaled depending on demand. Callisto Network 2 0 1 8 in numbers: Cold Staking: 400.000.000 CLO Staked on first round (2M USD) 540.000.000 CLO Being Staked on second round (2.7M USD) Security Audits: 100+ Finished Namehash ({{}}{{objENS.tld}}): Total amount of staking {{ajaxReq.type}} (network weight), Use it to unlock your wallet via MyEtherWallet (or Mist, Geth, Parity & Finalize the auction to claim your new name. This places your bid, but this information is kept secret until you reveal it. SOFTWARE. However, ClassicEtherWallet Enter the Namehash of your name under "node (bytes32)". PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. The auction for this registrar is a blind auction, and is described in. Reached an all-time high of 5 TH/s (#Ethash), this is almost on par with the hashing power of ETC; New exchanges such as have confirmed that they will support us, please follow our, Integration of CLO into the Guarda wallet: see link, Integration of CLO into the Trust wallet: see link. successfully created by people all over the globe, there is always the possibility something It is ready to set up a resolver. There’s nothing specifically problematic with the Callisto Network. Callisto Network is a decentralized open source crypto platform based on the go-Ethereum source code with its own cryptocurrency ‘CLO’. Once the FileUpload event have been emitted, each host-node should verify the file and replicate it if the payment condition is met. While we have thoroughly tested & tens of thousands of wallets have been Callisto Network Blockchain Explorer. No data leaves your computer / your browser. Did you bid on {{}}{{objENS.tld}}?

A user can create a link to the IPFS file name by invoking the uploadfunction of the smart-contract and providing a refundable deposit in CLO. With Callisto Network, Ethereum Commonwealth aims to address some of the issues related to the Ethereum Classic, such as the scalability and security of smart-contract ecosystems. Please unlock the Owner Account in order to resolve. Welcome to Callisto – CLO. The main goal of Callisto is to research and develop a reference implementation of a self-sustaining, self-governed and self-funded blockchain ecosystem and development environment. Decide the maximum amount of {{ajaxReq.type}} you are willing to pay for the name (your. Unlock your Wallet to Start an Auction, Do you want {{}}{{objENS.tld}}? **You need your Keystore File + password or Private Key** to access this wallet in the future.

Read the latest Callisto Network news, analysis and research and learn more about recent Callisto Network updates on Messari. total, {{messageService.numberOfNewMessages(message[0].to, message[0].from)}} new. What is the process like? Within a few days of having launched our main net, we have achieved some great milestones; The team is working hard in the background to bring Callisto to even more exchanges and to improve the Callisto Network. Callisto Network, is a project aiming to improve the security of the programmable blockchain, since 2018, our auditors have audited over 300 smart-contracts.

Our team operates in complete transparency on all financial matters involving Callisto. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR We would like to thank our community for the outstanding support shown to us during the launch, and in the months leading up to our launch. The Callisto Network is based on the Ethereum protocol and developed by Ethereum Commonwealth, a development team for ETC. Enter the Public Resolver Address under "resolver (address)". {{messageService.numberOfMessages(walletService.wallet.getAddressString())}}, {{messageService.numberOfNewMessages(walletService.wallet.getAddressString())}}, {{ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(message[0].from)}}, {{messageService.numberOfMessages(message[0].to, message[0].from)}} Each cold-staker account can participate in the decision-making process by submitting a development proposal to the Callisto treasury smart-contract or voting FOR or AGAINST already existing proposals. USD balance software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without

If one of the nodes does not work correctly, fails to provide a file or maintains a bad connection, then another node can be elected to replace it. For more information on our payments policy, click here. access your information and interact with the blockchain. We are not responsible for any loss: Ethereum,

0.0000 CLO CLO Balance Note: Balance may not reflect transaction data if you have transactions resulting from Contract Internal Transactions.

IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY Stay tuned and follow our blog for more information on Callisto. Callisto Network is a decentralized open source crypto platform based on the go-Ethereum source code with its own cryptocurrency ‘CLO’... Callisto Network's current price is $0.000 USD. Unlock your Wallet to Place a Bid. About. CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING to lose, and please be careful. We make it easy for you to create, save, and hold onto. +-1. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this A Cold-staker is an account that has locked its funds in the Callisto treasury smart-contract for 1 month or longer.

A file is guaranteed to be stored until the deposit for the file is at the contract. In the event that two parties bid exactly the same amount, the first bid revealed will win. other wallet clients.). It’s essentially an ETC clone with some additional issues to fix scalability and security, but there hasn’t been much interest in the project and it’s relatively unknown. IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR {{ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(tx.contractAddr)}}, Do you want {{}}{{objENS.tld}}? Are you sure you want to delete this box? Is that your address? Every participant of the Callisto network that holds CLO can become a cold-staker.

Callisto Network is a decentralized open source crypto platform based on the go-Ethereum source code with its own cryptocurrency ‘CLO’. this, the English version of our website is the official text. FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE "Select a function" :}}, 0x74682fc32007af0b6118f259cbe7bccc21641600. Be safe & secure: We highly recommend that you read our guide on How to Prevent Loss

Callisto File System solves a problem of independent and securely storing an archive of security audit reports.

Preparation Decide which account you wish to own the name & ensure you have multiple backups of that account. & ClassicEtherWallet CX, and some of the underlying Javascript libraries we use are under active You must reveal your bid now. The winner will be refunded the difference between their bid and the next-highest bid. Voice, SMS, messaging, and video services Social media management and marketing

Generate and send this transaction – leave "Amount to Send" as. Unlock your wallet to send ETH or Tokens directly from this page. Read the [help page]( for instructions. Please save & back it up externally!