// addSize([730, 200], [[728, 90], 'fluid']). Measures: The measures taken require a thorough reorganization of the childcare locations. Passengers departing from and arriving at Brussels Airport will be subject to a temperature screening: any passenger with a temperature higher than 38° c might be denied access to the terminal building. //Верхний баннер also at the airport. Brussels needs to urgently implement stricter measures to keep up with the spread of the coronavirus in the region, according to the latest from Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès “There are places in our country where stricter Corona measures need to be put in place.” The City has reopened its drinking water fountains to help the homeless. // googletag.enableServices(); Children who grow up in a socially vulnerable family or in a family with many tensions where there is insecurity and violence (difficult home situation). We strongly advise that you verify the latest updates shortly before starting your journey. The City of Brussels has decided to retain all operating grants awarded to its cultural structures (its museums, theatres and cultural centres).

All services of the Town Planning Department are closed to the public. The Brussels Region is introducing stricter measures to combat coronavirus. Useful contacts - support measures for traders (PDF, 45.97 KB) (in French) 1819 (doing business in Brussels) Vervoort (Francophone socialist) in the chair to consider the situation in the Brussels

We have to prepare this and we are going to do it now,’  Wilmès said of the meeting.

// addService(googletag.pubads()); It concerns a first series of measures that are supplemented by additional measures and a 'post-crisis' plan. // addSize([1100, 200], [[1024,250], 'fluid']). Help for tenants and traders of the Property Management and CPAS, Temporary extension of terraces and compensation, Temporary locations for fairground gastronomy, coronavirus measures by the City of Brussels. // fetchMarginPercent: 500, Region and take action. The LOFT at Brussels Airport will be open on weekdays with adapted opening hours.

Face shields and FFP2 masks with a valve are not permitted on board, as they allow the air to escape to the side and do not provide comparable protection. shopping centres and night shops will have to close at 11PM CEST starting // adsmobileslot = googletag.defineSlot('/312997750/NEW_SITE_MOBILE_TOP_ALL', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-1559116370415-0').addService(googletag.pubads()); The expansion of this group will proceed in accordance with the phasing-out plan of the National Security Council. the regional cell include the mayors of all 19 Brussels municipalities as well // googletag.cmd.push(function(){ In order to reduce physical contact, we invite our guests to check in online and get their boarding passes before coming to the airport. In order not to take any risks with the health of our children and staff, the maximum health and hygiene measures are guaranteed in our childcare locations. The website www.info-coronavirus.be was developed for the general public. // build(); These apps can be downloaded on a smartphone: The police offices in the quarters are temporarily closed. You can get tested on COVID-19 at Brussels Airport soon. You must wear a face mask which entirely covers mouth and nose. Traders can use a 'restart pack' offered by the City (masks, gel, posters). // build(); // });

// googletag.cmd.push(function(){ // adslot0 = googletag.defineSlot('/312997750/Super_Billboard_1', [[970, 250], [1230, 250]], 'div-gpt-ad-1555597002018-0').setTargeting("test","infinitescroll"). More info. The House of Commons passed the Internal Market Bill by 340 votes to 256, threatening to violate its treaty with the EU. A one-off premium of 4,000 euros, for companies that employ less than 50 full-time equivalents (FTE): For companies that employ more than 50 FTE, the Brussels government wants to offer loans through, Administrative support to traders to complete their formalities (by. According to the current estimate, the latter files will therefore not be able to be subjected to public inquiry until about mid-October, according to a schedule yet to be determined. // addSize([980, 200], [[970,90], [970,250], 'fluid']). The meetings of the Consultation Committee have been canceled or suspended since 16 March 2020. // googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs();

// }); Wearing a face mask on board of our flights is mandatory as from the age of 6 years. Brussels regional crisis cell met at 5PM on Saturday with Brussels PM Rudi // googletag.enableServices(); Eating at markets is also prohibited from Monday. A face mask is required at the markets. Decisions taken by the security council on Wednesday were based on the premise that Belgium was a “yellow” zone on the map.

The LOFT at Brussels Airport will be open on weekdays with adapted opening hours. Cafés and bars have to close at 11 pm.

“It is true that the evolution of the health situation in our country is not favourable.”. Children whose parent(s) can only work outside the home, both from the essential sectors and from the other sectors. “I can already tell you that there is a very good chance that more restrictions will come in a short period of time,” she said in the House.

// addSize([730, 200], [[728, 90], 'fluid']). The meeting was originally planned for next Monday, but Shops selling food or beverages and newsagents equipped with slot machines must close at 10PM too. Colis du Coeur remain operational as well. // fetchMarginPercent: 500, In order to enable social distancing on board to a maximum, the hand baggage allowance will be strictly applied. Van Gucht was also quick to point out that communication of measures to all communities will be a challenge. The Brussels-Capital Region has also not been spared. The At Brussels Airport, meeting and greeting inside the airport building is not allowed. too. You can request information locally or by telephone from your community centre to find out about the new measures and activities that are resumed within each community centre. Disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizing service for all guests. The list of businesses subject to the reopening: Respect all safety and health instructions. New measures taken in an attempt to curb the spread of the coronavirus in Brussels do not go far enough, according to virologist and inter-federal Covid-19 spokesperson Steven Van Gucht. Dutch-language childcare will be provided for the following groups of children: The coronavirus measures of Kind & Gezin remain applicable: parents who do not bring their children to the childcare centre because of the coronavirus crisis, do not have to pay for these days.