There are 16320 items in the Brickset database. 2012, 30056-1 View more information about the inventory and find out if you can build this set from parts in your collection at We calculate the average rating when we've found two or more scored reviews. If you have a lot to tell us, use this contact form.
Certain pieces just don't quite fit together as well as they should, and it is *very* delicate. 8635 members have logged in in the last 24 hours, 19209 in the last 7 days, 29542 in the last month. The build quality, compared to the new sets, is also fairly poor. Just curious.
Recent discussions • Minifig Pack Episode I It's quite noticeable next to each other - I'll have to take a photo during the day. D2c Starfighter Original Trilogy Rebel Alliance Return Of The Jedi 3 reviews.
Brickset nous annonce que Cavegod, MOCeur connu de la plupart des AFOLs qui fréquentent les forums anglophones, a "réussi" à dégoter un set 10227 UCS B-Wing pourtant annoncé pour octobre 2012 (au tarif officiel de 209.99 €) et qu'il en propose donc la review ultra-exclusive-bien-en-avance dans le document pdf que vous pouvez télécharger à cette adresse.
If you can live with the limitations of the canopy it's a good model, and worthy of the UCS label. It's a waste of time, especially for those of us who want the set NOW! 15 bags is an average of less than 100 parts per bag.
It's this report, but via mail! Simple and to the point, this blog is where three Swedish LEGO geeks vent and rave about the sets we buy. It has a score of 77.
16 inches tall when sat on the stand, and about 23 inches wide. So might be a deal breaker. I'm in the process of building mine and I noticed that some of the curved light bley pieces are not uniform in color. Thanks for the responses. Inflation adjusted: 0.14, 2012 10227: B-Wing Starfighter. Oops. I have about half a dining room table that I can use for building, and a bag-set's worth of parts sorted into neat piles, plus the manual folded back so only one page is visible, plus the bit of the model I'm working on, generally eats all of that space. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, the, Inc. Associates Program and the Amazon EU Associates Programme, which are affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. ce due to its absurd length (just under two feet) and asymmetry. Brick Insights is a one man project.
Look a little closer and you'll notice the separating seams, a canopy that you can't even open, and a display stand that has the gun pod touching the surface.
Please use our links: • Amazon As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. ^ Did the double points and Chrome TC-14 tip you over the edge? ^ It's very stable.
How stable is that? Parts: 1487
I just picked up my copy from my local Lego store today... For those that have built it, do you think its possible to mod and extend the stand upwards to enable the B-wing to sit fully vertical? Shopping at LEGO or Amazon?
Hope that helps! I bought this a little over a year ago and still admire it the same as when I built it. I had some with my UCS R2, but to nowhere near the same degree as with the IS.
The set is recommended by 1 reviews, based on 3 scored reviews and 5 reviews total.
Those of us without large tables are incredibly grateful for the smaller bags, I have to say.
less, If you can live with the limitations of the canopy it's a good model, and worthy of the UCS label. Item No: 10227-1. It does not feel like it has much in the way of inner packaging - sounds pretty standard: sealed bags and cardboard/wrapped instruction booklets.
Large Images. Recommendation: meh At best we can tell if a set is worth buying! 10227 B-Wing in hand. Retail price (USD):
Ultimate Collector Series, Best Star Wars sets of all time While the #10227 B-Wing and #10225 have the UCS mention, #10240 X-Wing does not (along with the DS on the same centerfold..). Box is the same size as Tower Bridge and Town Hall, despite having a lot of air inside. The Death Star is a couple of cm too high and just wondered whether this is bigger or smaller than it? It has a nice mix of parts, and I don't regret purchasing it. Oh, and we're not related to The LEGO Group or The LEGO Company in any way shape or form. ^No set below $100 without numbered bags should be sorted. more I've seen color variations in all the sets I've purchased. Submit an inventory change at Rebrickable. It's a relaxing build, and kept me occupied for several hours. Privacy Policy. I was surprised to find that by the end of building this it's become my favorite UCS set.
Read more about this in our article about price comparisons. What a sleeper cell this B-Wing is. I love that it uniquely rests on the surface for balance due to its absurd length (just under two feet) and asymmetry. This set is compared to other sets categorised as System. seems like one could speed through this build in a hurry, as there appears to be little need to sort and a lot of larger, easy to find pieces.
For demo and options please see the documentation. Double VIP sweetens the pot just a touch.
Figuring it wasn't enough to index LEGO reviews, we decided we needed to write some as well!
LEGO Set 10227-1 B-wing Starfighter - building instructions and parts inventory. Star Wars is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, the, Inc. Associates Program and the Amazon EU Associates Programme, which are affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Original: 199.99 Box is the same size as Tower Bridge and Town Hall, despite having a lot … Instead, the rear part of the cockpit fuselage seems to hold it in place. After you take the Lego model apart you can never quite put it back together again. This is average compared to all other sets. Brickset member cavegod built it a few weeks ago (and will be bringing it to GWLS at the weekend I believe) and you may recall he wrote a brief review .
They ranged from more of a gray white to more of a cream white. It looks like you're new here. Did that make it a 'good' deal in your opinion or did you splurge? There are now 215468 members. I know you're being sarcastic but the UCS models are pretty much designed to be built once and displayed. The worst colour variation I have seen is with the wild variation of whites in the UCS IS, not only through different part types, but even in the same part, from icy bluey-white, to a very creamy white. It looks like you're new here. Brickset Forum.