It's hard to believe that it's been six months since my last chemotherapy.

He has reffered me to the breast clinic to make sure but the wait is 4-6 weeks. I had, however, noticed a change in my breast over a year before and did nothing about it!

It sucks. X, Can i ask how you both got on..i hope it was good am going through the exact same ive had the dent a year but now om getting pain and my anxiety is through the roof.i 2 have 2 small children and have to stop myself crying in front of them.i have an appt in a fortnight but wondered how you had got on.thankyou x. I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through.

Dellisa81 please try not to worry, i went through extreme anxiety and even planned how i would tell people the worst. Easy to see the density of the breast and the indentation : Scattered white calcifications: Questionable density and at the top right are enlarged lymph nodes: Following this mammogram, I was immediately sent to another room for an ultrasound. That's a lot of cancer going on right there. Many people have asked what I take to maintain my health. They always err on the side of caution and it is the usual course of action to send someone presenting with a change to the breast (however small) to get it checked out at the breast clinic. We always fear the worst and Google is a frightening thing at time.

This is not a time to be plugging in some random phrases 'breast lump/rash/indent' - it won't bring you anything nice, and mostly it will be frightening and inaccurate. However, if there is anything, and its always best to keep an open mind, you won't be sent away worrying, you would be given support right there and then. Over the weekend I an indent at the bottom of my right breast when I raise my arms. Remember, as I have been told many times in my wait, the breast clinics deal with all kinds of breast problems, most of which are benign. Try not to worry too much, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer (so early stages) in July. we have health cover yet my GP assured me that i wouldn't need to use it, but I rang today & got the number for the hospital and rang the clinic directly and I was told my referral only arrived today &  to expect an appointment within the next 2 weeks, so I made the call. And if you happen to be in the tiny percentage with a diagnosis, you know that you have done what you needed to, to catch it early, and you will see many positive stories from survivors on here. Shens Clinic has come up with the idea of Korean breast implant for helping you to look attractive. I am 36.

I ll keep you posted. Can't imagine how you must feel. X. Yes, you are right that nowadays many people focus in maintaining their figure. Sometimes, breast cancer can be felt in the back or shoulders rather than the chest or breasts. Hair Growth Progression after Chemo- Six Months with UPDATE! The breast clinic is a ''one stop shop''. is it just another examination? Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Thank you for your reassurance. But why is it such a big deal? Here, atomic force microscopy (AFM) indentation using a micro-sized spherical probe was carried out to characterize the elasticity of benign (MCF-10A) and cancerous (MCF-7) human breast epithelial cells.

Have to get a biopsy next week. IMAGES, Easy to see the density of the breast and the indentation, Questionable density and at the top right are enlarged lymph nodes, Enlarged grey colored lymph node in axillary.

When I first discovered that I was pregnant, I was devastated. But to reassure you i have been twice now and had an ultrasound on the indent, they have put it down to natural breast changes and change in breast tissue.

But to reassure you i have been twice now and had an ultrasound on the indent, they have put it down to natural breast changes and change in breast tissue. Thank you. I found a indentation in my right breast 3 weeks ago when tying up my hair, went to the doctors a week later and have my appointment on Tuesday. So, I would suggest that you will probably see the doctor and have a mammogram and all being well, you will be reassured and sent on your way. I was seen by the consultant who then sent me for a mammogram, an ultrasound and, because I did have a lump, a biopsy there and then. I hope you are ok & have some support, I know how hard it is and just wanted to send you a hug. As I was desperately trying to find the cause of my adult cystic acne that began a few months ago, I ran across a few articles linking root... Now that I am cured, I can show you my initial test results. Breast cancer symptoms are well known and described by many health experts but unfortunately most women don’t pay enough attention to detectable and visible signs of breast cancer.. Cancer initiates when normal cells in the breast alter and grow uncontrollably, forming a sheet of cells called a tumor. My understanding is that the Government has set a 2 week deadline so it might be worth raising it with your GP surgery (apologies if I am incorrect with this but I was definitely seen within 2 weeks and was told only in July this year about the 2 week deadline). front on it looks completely normal,  there is no lump (he said my breasts are lumpy - but I've never felt anyone else's so to me they feel normal).

Hope your treatment is going well. That's very reassuring as I have an indentation under my left breast which looks like a thumb Mark. For me it went like this.

I have today booked a private appointment and have my follow up appointment on Monday.

The odds are in your favour that this turns out to be nothing of concern. The journey isn't glamorous! It's so true Google can spark so many fears. I thought, however, that there was a 2 week timescale to get an appointment so I'm surprised to have to wait 4-6 weeks. (it looks normal when they are down) you can also see it when I lean forward. Keep strong and hopefully you'll have the reassurance you need very soon. Our AFM images and confocal fluorescence images show that MCF-10A cells have more well-defined stress fibers than MCF-7 cells, and hence exhibits a stronger actin filamentous network in MCF-10A.

I know that it is a worrying time but you have done the right thing and in my experience the breast care teams in the NHS do an amazing job. When I found the lump in my breast and my armpit a year ago, I knew I had found something bad. I took my mind off worrying by keeping myself busy with cooking and crafts and meeting up with friends and family and living positively in the present. © 2019 Breast Cancer Now. Wish I would have seen this before going in today. Wednesday is only two days away. Went to the doctors today and he said there is no lump, and that it's not pukering or has an orange peel look so hes not overly worried, but he didint know what it was.

Please do not Google. Breast Cancer Now is a company limited by guarantee registered in England (9347608) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1160558), Scotland (SC045584) and the Isle of Man (1200). Not sure if I am completely over reacting, but as a born worrier, I thought I'd join this forum for a bit of reassurance. I went back 3 days later for the results of the biopsy and was given the appointment time and date right there and then. I've Been trying to keep busy since I found the dent last week, (like you I just raised my arms and saw 1 indent) but now with the children back in school, I've too much time on my hands at home and I've have spent the last 24 hours full of worry. All the best for your appt let us know how you get on xx, Hi, I'm in the same boat. It helps to be with others, who are waiting it out, because we all know the worry, sleepless nights, frantic 'what if's' and the way our minds can play cruel tricks on us. I am a single mother, Jack of all trades, Stage IV cancer survivor, inventor, chef, and natural health advocate. Both confocal and AFM images showed a significant difference in the organization of their sub-membrane actin structures which directly contribute to their difference in cell elasticity. Check Inflammatory Breast Cancer Pictures images to examine itchy, rash, bruises, red spots, discoloration or pain in breasts with early signs & symptoms. I know it could go the other way but you ve made it possible to be normal. Copyright © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. The difference is the pain doesn’t go away with stretching or changing position. I just wanted to send a quick reply to your message below to say that you have absolutely done the right thing to go to the doctor and to get the indentation checked out. No more looking things up and fearing the worst. They found three. Could I ask what they do at the clinic? Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. We have a little 'two week wait' thread over on the appointments forum, asquith. Remember that 59% of breast cancer is missed on mammogram because of dense breast tissue.

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I have been beside myself just over the weekend so how can I cope with 6 weeks! I DO NOT MISS IT! This change may have facilitated easy migration and invasion of malignant cells during metastasis. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. AFM indentation study of breast cancer cells. Hope everything went well for you today x. I also found an indent ..the key thing I noticed was my breast looked a little smaller and nipple was higher up I lifted my arm and there it was ...went on the good old Google and it came up cancer..made appt at docs on the 18th October went to breast clinic short of 2 weeks fast forward to November when I was told it was cancer had lumpectomy and down sentinel node biopsy and reconstruction..tomorrow I finish my course of radiotherapy..hope everything's ok for you but rest assured if not you'll be fine....I posted on this exactly thread and glad I did. just wondering how the original poster is?