Users will be able to identify how to measure, reduce and offset emissions to make an event carbon neutral. You will also find advice on how to reduce your emissions, more explanation about how offsetting works, and a look into why making events carbon neutral is so important. 11-12, Topic: Use our calculator to find out how much carbon you use each year - and take the first step towards shrinking your footprint. What is your carbon footprint? We have placed cookies on your computer to help make this website better. The calculator asks questions about the features of your residence, car travel, air travel and recycling habits.

When we work together, small actions can make a big difference. Cookies also allow us and our partners to show you relevant ads when you visit our site and other 3rd party websites, including social networks. It's a small element of your travel cost – but an important part of your journey to carbon neutral. You can choose to allow all cookies by clicking ‘Allow all’ or manage them individually by clicking ‘Manage cookie preferences,’ where you will also find more information. We use cookies to collect and analyse information on our site's performance and to enable the site to function. Existing BP Target Neutral account holders log in here: Did you know a return flight from London to Madrid can cost you as little as £1.27 to go carbon neutral? It takes a few seconds to complete the transaction – then your journey is carbon neutral. Earth and atmosphere I Agree | More Info. You need to sign in to access free bpES resources or take advantage of our regular free poster offers. Carbon offset; Calculate and offset your Emissions! The toolkit is rounded out by a series of tips on how to reduce your event’s carbon footprint, how to raise awareness of your carbon neutral event – including links to supporting materials from bp Target Neutral – and a short reflection on how we can all increase our efforts going forward. Carbon footprint toolkit. Calculator Transport Emissions Methodology Statement May 2018. From the data provided, the Carbon Calculator will calculate: PET producers who manufacture their product with PTAir can also take advantage of code-sharing functionality to share their GWP values with their customers further down the value chain who also want to calculate their GWP. Amount of incremental carbon reduction realized from the use of bp PTAir™ low carbon and bp PTAir™ Neutral products compared to using industry average feedstock only. Environmental Science:Global Change and Climate:Climate Change: Teach the Earth:Incorporating Societal Issues:, Starting Point-Teaching Entry Level Geoscience:Experience-Based Environmental Projects: The Lifestyle Project.

BP Target Neutral. The Calculator uses a methodology compliant with ISO standards, and has been reviewed and assured by IFEU – Institute for Energy and DEKRA.

Take a few minutes to learn about how your personal choices influence your carbon footprint. When last checked this resource was offline Our automated link checker has alerted the folks responsible for the part of our site where this problematic link is referenced. It's a small element of your travel cost – but an important part of your journey to carbon neutral. If you have further information about the link (e.g. We use cookies (and equivalent technologies) to collect and analyse information on our site's performance and to enable the site to function. Short, engaging multimedia learning materials on the topic of the properties of hydrocarbons, putting science in a real-life context.

The PTAir Carbon Calculator is designed to help PTAir customers along the value chain calculate the carbon footprint of their products when manufactured using PTAir or PTAir Neutral and to facilitate the full neutralisation of the final product, be that a bottle, food tray, fibres or specialties.

The toolkit is designed to guide you through the process of calculating your event’s carbon footprint so that you can offset your emissions with bp Target Neutral. International Carbon & Offset Alliance (ICROA), BP Target Neutral Carbon Neutral Certification Protocol. Make your journey carbon neutral Whether you drive, fly or take public transport, by using our special calculator you can measure and tackle your carbon footprint for each journey that you take. To access this resource you need to log in or register. The calculator was developed by Henkel and the Wuppertal Institute (Germany). Drive carbon neutral from Cardiff to Inverness and back for only 79p? Existing BP Target Neutral account holders log in here: If you don't know your registration number click here. The planet is in crisis - from climate change to the pollution in our oceans and devastation of our forests. The purpose is to help you reduce the footprint of your event and offset the residual emissions. Drive carbon neutral from Cardiff to Inverness and back for only 79p? Make your journey carbon neutral Whether you drive, fly or take public transport, by using our special calculator you can measure and tackle your carbon footprint for each journey that you take. The … Or take the train from Manchester to Penzance and return home for just 17 pence.

Simply enter your journey and we calculate the carbon emissions and show you how little it costs to offset.

Or take the train from Manchester to Penzance and return home for just 17 pence. BP Global. Four short animations on the topics of carbon capture and storage, solar power, natural gas power and wind power. An interactive activity on the topic of carbon footprints, and how energy use and climate change are connected.

For an explanation of the calculator's assumptions and … The world needs smarter, more sustainable energy. Otherwise, we'll assume you're OK to continue. If you do not agree or if you would like more information, you can manage your cookie preferences opposite. According to the Guardian, the study found that the construction of a new house generated 50 tonnes of CO2, but the renovation of an existing house emitted only 15 tonnes. Home / Offset your emissions. By clicking 'Agree', you agree to these uses of cookies. Topic: Earth and … Ages: 12-14 14-16 16-19 11-12.

Cookies also allow us and third parties to tailor the ads you see when you visit our site and other 3rd party websites in the same online network, including social networks. PROPAGANDA “It’s time to go on a low-carbon diet,” BP wrote in bold letters on its website in 2006, with its “carbon footprint calculator” just a click away. It takes a few seconds to complete the transaction – then your journey is carbon neutral. a new location where the information can be found) please. Take your first step with our environmental footprint calculator. The Calculator is not suitable for products manufactured from other forms of purified terephthalic acid (PTA) or for any other products.

With this toolkit and carbon calculator, you can transform your event from being carbon intensive to carbon neutral through a combination of reducing and offsetting. a new location where the information can be found) please let us know.You may be able to find previous versions at the Internet Archive. Download the toolkit and accompanying events carbon calculator below. bp Target Neutral has developed a toolkit to help event organisers take responsibility for these emissions and work to do something about them. The calculator estimates your footprint in three areas: home energy, transportation and waste. Next, you’ll be shown how to offset the carbon footprint you have just calculated. The PTAir Carbon Calculator is designed to help PTAir customers along the value chain calculate the carbon footprint of their products when manufactured using PTAir or PTAir Neutral and to facilitate the full neutralisation of the final product, be that a bottle, food tray, fibres or specialties. This tool has been designed to allow you (the event organiser) to calculate the footprint associated with your event. Did you know a return flight from London to Madrid can cost you as little as £1.27 to go carbon neutral? myclimate.

Offset your emissions.

The planet is in crisis - from climate change to the pollution in our oceans and devastation of our forests. What is carbon capture and storage? Everyone's carbon footprint is different depending on their location, habits, and personal choices. Booklet, presentation and teachers' notes covering the carbon cycle and the chemistry of combustion.

Simply enter your journey and we calculate the carbon emissions and show you how little it costs to offset. If you have further information about the link (e.g. Simply enter your journey and we calculate the carbon emissions and show you how little it costs to offset. Calculator Transport Emissions Methodology Statement May 2018. Simply enter your journey and we calculate the carbon emissions and show you how little it costs to offset. CMS authors: link to this resource in your page using [resource 18400], Our automated link checker has alerted the folks responsible for the part of our site where this problematic link is referenced.

A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, service, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent. An interactive resource including an calculator to find out your school's carbon footprint. The toolkit is designed to guide you through the process of calculating your event’s carbon footprint so that you can offset your emissions with bp Target Neutral. carbon footprint calculator for individuals and households. You can support Carbon Offsetting Projects that both tackle climate change and support impoverished communities across the world. 12-14

Carbon offset It is surprising how many climate-harming CO₂ emissions arise when flying, driving, living, working and partying. An interactive guide that works alongside the carbon footprint calculator. Take your first step with our environmental footprint calculator. Take advantage of the bp PTAir Carbon Calculator. Structure and function of living organisms. With this toolkit and carbon calculator, you can transform your event from being carbon intensive to carbon neutral through a combination of reducing and offsetting. 16-19 You can change your cookie settings at any time.