I'm seeing many more young Adults and teenagers who are racist than ever before.
Revolution, anyone?
I visited my home town after being gone for five years and everything has changed.
Also, look at South Africa.
@The Asian of Reasoneasy for you to say since blacks aren't fucking shit up in your homeland.
chaos, destruction, and violence are sure to follow, referred to the Negroes as "youths" without detailing their rac, Bannister Mall did years ago for the same reason.
Not everybody is a criminal.”.
In California, a popular county fair was terminated because blacks showed up and started shooting each other with zero regard for all of the peaceful families at the fair.
They will never put back in what they take out and will hate you for being anyone who has more than them, even if you are black yourself. I could go on and on, but, this is not a racist rant....It is just an observation of facts that occur all of the time now. The owner of Private Stock Premium Boutique set up a GoFundMe page and as of Monday had raised more than $60,000 to help rebuild. But what has taken place today in our city and across the nation is unacceptable. I’m glad no lives were lost, and I have no desire to see more violence. Any city anywhere that large black populations live? TheNext generation of little niggers will be even worse, Even more of a burden for rest of society to deal with. Republican Gov. 1 decade ago. #phillyprotest https://t.co/zaFn6VpBrY, — Fabiola Cineas (@FabiolaCineas) May 30, 2020, funny how when the eagles won and fans tore down the city, turned over car, set things on fire but they weren’t getting hit w clubs, but for protesting against the racially motivated death of george floyd they’re getting hit.
They tell you it's a stereotype and you should learn to love the negro all the while they live in their safe, picket-fence, all white, gated community or live in a city or county that doesn't have any blacks.It's not white doctors and lawyers or Miss Mamie from the Daughters of the American Revolution who are committing these crimes, it's the blacks.Why are liberals so afraid to admit the truth?I live in California and I can attest to one thing that is undeniable...The most self-righteous, slobbering liberals all live in areas that have none, are very few blacks.Explain that liberals! Where's customer service. Take it from a guy that has been all over the world and a few times at that.
You're still a racist asshole. Some had no insurance. )Asians score higher on tests of mental ability than do Whites, both within the U.S.A. and in Asia, whereas Africans and Caribbeans score lower. The ironies of the so-called anti-racism protests across the country are legion.
The poorest cities with 99% whites like portsmouth and glasgow did NOT riot. Lucas is also the author of "Abuse of Power: Inside The Three-Year Campaign to Impeach Donald Trump."
Race relations in the city have long been strained, and an incident like the one in which Thrasher is accused doesn’t help, said Chad Lassiter, an adjunct lecturer at the Graduate School of Social Policy and Practice at the University of Pennsylvania. Your Guide to Hiking and Exploring Bear Mountain State Park, Your Guide to Hiking and Exploring Lums Pond State Park, Here Are All the Ways You Can Cast Your Ballot in the General Election, Your Guide to Hiking and Exploring Rocks State Park, Your Guide to Hiking and Exploring the Pinelands and Wharton State Forest, Your Guide to Visiting Cape May in the Fall, of Black people such as George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Tony McDade sparked a, This search result is here to prevent scraping, peaceful protest that turned into a violent riot, segregates, marginalizes, and reduces opportunity, wrongfully arrested two innocent Black men, including the Starbucks in Dilworth Plaza, Donald Trump at Wharton: Fact Checking the President’s Time at Penn, I Applied for and Cast My Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballot in 20 Minutes, Whole Foods Slapped With Racial Discrimination Lawsuit, Your Guide to Satellite Election Offices in Philadelphia.
As a number of analysts have begun to notice, blacks are about 50 times more likely to commit violent crimes against whites than whites are to commit violent crimes against blacks. I just cant help but want to move away from the town I've lived in for 38 years. Thanks to their substandard education, I had to repeat the 6th grade and catch up to high school with only 4th grade knowledge!!!!! Some are convinced that the private sector is the villain, because, after all, isn’t it always? Countdown is on to new deadline, Doc Rivers will become 76ers new coach: Sources, Trump opposes changing debate rules but will still attend, White House ups bid in last-ditch stimulus talks with Congress, Red Paw's services will continue in Philadelphia after all, Philly leaders speak out after Black transgender women killed.
Everyone complains here, but there are no ideas for solutions....????
Stop being so closed-minded!Though only about 13% of the U.S. population, Blacks commit more than half of all rapes and robberies and 60% of all murders in the U.S.Blacks adopted into middle-class White families had IQs averaging 89.4, just slightly above the average of 88 for Blacks of the North Central U.S. region from which they originated. Lie about everything, steal from those that are helping them, Drop their out of control teens off at court and refuse custody and then tell us what to do to care for THEIR kids and what our jobs are but refuse to cooperate with services offered to them free unless it benefits them buy paying for utilities etc. Here, the unfit not only survive, but are encouraged to propogate. Watch our free webinar to learn how to increase your profits with growth stocks. LOLWhat is the problem...you posted three replies in a row because you were trying to convince yourself that your ridiculous stereotypes are true? Combine the dismissal of these fair demands with the ongoing systemic and institutional racial disparities in Philly, and the most marginalized in this city feel like they have few options. And they happen to be black.”. and poor impulse control have been discovered. The guy who invented the U.S. traffic light sure looks black to me. WEll for a few countries that are white and in chaos there are literally thousands that are not and in good standing with a thriving economy and culture. Dear Anonymous, it is a black problem ? I think it was created by PolicyLink. Detroit is prime example.
Our public schools, which serve a majority Black and brown student population, are littered with asbestos, toxic water, a lack of counselors, and other resources.
Europeans and whites are FAR MORE civlized than our dark skineed minority counterparts.
As a soldier, I have seen enough corruption in our eastern europe and the states to make all of you commentors throw up.
You alk saw the race riots last August right? #phillyprotest. Ownership data provided by Refinitiv and Estimates data provided by FactSet. Disciplinary action is a slap on the hand,” she said. Among top scorersthe difference between Negro and White performance is even more striking: 16% of the white applicants make scores of 90 or above, while onlyone-fifth of one percent of a Black applicants score as high as 90--a White/Black success ration of 80/1. Don’t drink the water in Flint, Mich. Federal and state officials botched a water supply switch there and ended up contaminating the city’s drinking water with lead.
They are not. “In video after video, we see masked white protesters dressed all in black destroying property in black neighborhoods. We are already seeing signs that the invasion is on here.
I wasn't even mad that this happened. No matter what they want to be called we will all be reviling the word soon enough.
“It’s the mindset of some of us [police officers] who haven’t been brought up in the city, or around people of color,” she said, referring to her dual identity of being a cop and an African-American.
People of African descent turned "Negro" in pejorative.
The district is bordered by Montgomery and Lehigh avenues, 10th and 33rd streets. When do residents actively damage an area that is supposed to be their home?
All they care about is their reputation. My top 5. And for anybody who says I'm a "racist," maybe you should watch this video, which shows - in high-definition - how blacks have absolutely annihilated Detroit. http://tightrope.cc/Black-Invention-Myths.htm.
The automatic "displacement lubricator" for steam engines was developedin 1860 by John Ramsbottom of England, and notably improved in 1862 by James Roscoe of the same country. It's mostly hype, and the fame usually leads them to trying to bed as many white women as possible, even if it means rape and murder.
The civil war was NOT about slavery.
The StarTribune reported: “The riots and arson that followed protests of George Floyd’s death have devastated organizations and businesses that serve communities of color.”.