We will spend silent time holding space for one another and then reflect on the #AmplifyBlackSTEM theme of the day.

Their motto of “Imagine, Build, Create” has inspired over 3,000 students to enter the field of technology. BlackAFinSTEM.

From the Black Panther Party to the Civil Rights Movement, there have been a number of organizations and movements that have fought to remind the nation that we too are America. Schools have lots of clubs and activities, but if you are really interested in science, technology, engineering, or math and want to get involved in STEM organizations, maybe one of the following could be the program your school needs. The National Society of Black Engineers Ghana, Nigerian Ministry of Science & Technology, Hamoye - Developing Competencies for Tomorrow's Economy, https://www.westkampala.youngengineers.ug/, http://www.africadesk.ac.uk/directory/fellowship/, https://globalhealthtrainingcentre.tghn.org/aref/, http://www.afterschoolafrica.com/scholarship/by-level/masters/, http://www.advance-africa.com/Research_Grants.html, http://www.aau.org/content/funding-opportunitiesschorlaships-and-training-notices, https://www.dfg.de/en/research_funding/international_cooperation/international_cooperation/cooperation_africa/, http://www.gacd.org/projects/funding-opportunities/current, http://www.medicalresearchfoundation.org.uk/for-researchers/funding-opportunities/funding-for-african-researchers/, http://www.scholars4dev.com/category/target-group/africans-scholarships/, http://sustainablesciences.org/funding-for-research, http://www.cambridge-africa.cam.ac.uk/funding/, Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, History of science and technology in Africa, "Basic science linked to faster economic growth", "Training: African database for education schemes", "The case for a global fund for science education", "Science in Africa: The view from the front line", "iNERDE - Empowering Youth with Opportunity", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_organizations_engaged_in_STEM_education_across_Africa&oldid=975960501, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, A-MAN, Inc. For Black academics and STEM professionals, as well other Black people suffering the mental and physical impacts of racism, #ShutDownSTEM and #ShutDownAcademia is for you to have space to prioritize your needs, whatever they may be. Many African countries are investing in STEM research and education, with the African Union encouraging its members to spend 1% of their GDP on STEM. 6 Science-Backed Ways to Feel Happier in 5 Minutes or Less, Find What You Love with the STEM Type Quiz, Job Spotlight: Advanced Manufacturing Engineer. Brotherhood/Sister Sol. Laura Van Dernoot Lipsky and Connie Burk https://traumastewardship.com/, Transformative justice : “Transformative justice [is] a liberatory approach to violence…[which] seeks safety and accountability without relying on alienation, punishment, or State or systemic violence, including incarceration or policing.” https://www.transformativejustice.eu/en/what-are-ca-and-tj/, AfroFlow Yoga: https://www.afroflowyoga.com/, The Center for Mindful Living- inspiring videos, free mindfulness teachings, and guided meditation: mindfullivingla.org, Meditations led by Tara Brach, PhD- Guided meditations in various categories, such as basic meditations, heart meditations, open awareness, difficult times, and a guided meditation for times of pandemic: tarabrach/guided-meditations/, UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center- free guided meditations in English & in Spanish: uclahealth.org/marc/mindful-meditations, UCSD Center for Mindfulness- mindfulness videos, mindful poetry, guided audio & video mindfulness practice: medschool.ucsd.edu/som/fmph/research/mindfulness/mindfulness-resources/Pages/default.aspx, Bilingual Center for Mindfulness- Spanish language information of mindfulness and guided meditations: bilingualmindfulness.com/es/, Mindful Heart Center- Japanese speaking mindfulness community resources: mindfulheartcenter.com/meditation, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dWShg0TZ7nJz5YJsCa1DyGCGTJMrUEd8du5vC6boVhs/mobilebasic, the compilation of Resources provided by Particles for Justice, Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientist, https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2020/06/9849013/mental-health-services-black-people-of-color, https://projectlets.org/race-and-mental-health, https://www.vogue.com/article/black-mental-health-wellness-instagram-accounts, https://theconversation.com/grief-is-a-direct-impact-of-racism-eight-ways-to-support-yourself-91750, https://theconversation.com/raising-hope-parenting-in-an-anti-black-environment-87070, Racial Justice is Essential to Trauma-Informed Advocacy, https://www.transformativejustice.eu/en/what-are-ca-and-tj/, medschool.ucsd.edu/som/fmph/research/mindfulness/mindfulness-resources/Pages/default.aspx.

It will again be exclusively for Black people (of all gender identities) in STEM to Gather, Grieve with and Give to one another in a community where our feelings are understood and protected. Kimberly Bryant started one of the best-known STEM organizations in 2011 through workshops and after-school programs. Weds June 10, at 7:30pm ET VanguardSTEM is going to have a second #VSVIllage Gathering on zoom. This is a list of organizations that are currently engaged in STEM Education activities and outreach across Sub-Saharan Africa.

Computer coding lessons are given to girls of color from communities where internet access is not easily available. By 2040, the organization hopes to train 1 million girls in the skills needed for computing jobs in the U.S., instructing them in programming languages such as Ruby on Rails and Scratch. Breathing and Mindfulness Phone Apps: Breathe, Calm, Headspace.
National Science and Technology News. The goal of Black Girls CODE is to increase the number of women of color working in technology and encourage girls to use their skills to become future programmers. [4][5] Many African countries are investing in STEM research and education, with the African Union encouraging its members to spend 1% of their GDP on STEM.[6]. Ask a teacher for support in getting a program started at your school, or contact the organization yourself to request information.

Education in Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields has been identified as a development goal in the global South. Additional community organizations: VanguardSTEM. Trauma can take make form including but not limited to: Emotional, Physical, Sexual Abuse, Negliect, Abandonment, Natural Disaster, Assault, Catastrophic unjurt or illness, historical trauma. BlackAndSTEM. National Society of Black Physicists .

Below, we provide a list of resources for Black people who are seeking healing. The organizations range in size, scope, funding mechanisms, and mission statements. Nigeria (''Nigerian Ministry of Science & Technology), South Africa (Science and Technology in South Africa), African STEM Collaborations, Grants, and Award Initiatives, List of Organizations engaged in STEM Education across Africa, Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, *Coderina Education & Technology Foundation, https://www.facebook.com/stemfoundationng/. This is a list of organizations that are currently engaged in STEM Education activities and outreach across Sub-Saharan Africa. Please DM @VanguardSTEM for more details about our #VSVillage Gathering.

Society of Black Academic Surgeons . The organizations range in size, scope, funding mechanisms, and mission statements. National Society of Black Engineers .