Those that thrive are those who make the most of the opportunities change creates. Through the 10 to the 14 July, the Sun trines Neptune briefly, inspiring creativity. In fact over the next few weeks we will see Mars and Lilith go on a bit of a rampage, creating conflict wherever they roams. In Cancer, the sign of true family, it reminds us that we cannot and do not live apart from others, no matter how isolated our existence may at first appear.
Choose Love, Choose Life! let’s all be Winners and Grinners and cut out the blaming/victim stump-waving….
In the meantime be safe, fight fair and remember that change isn’t a bad thing.
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hydro, steam, solar, battery…correct me if I’m wrong but we need the balance…. After a brief reprieve, Mercury squares Mars on 8 July, causing some mental conflict and cognitive dissonance over a few days, especially if you have planets or points in the early degrees of Aires or Cancer.
In fact “the term Afrofuturism, coined in 1993, seeks to reclaim black identity through art, culture, and political resistance.” It is about black people, and by extent you could say all oppressed people, reshaping their fate and their future through their own creativity, in response to, and without denying the pressures of, their past and current situation. On 27 July, our two benefic planets, Venus and Jupiter, both aspect Neptune. Venus is square to Neptune, while Jupiter forms a sextile to the planet of dissolving and boundlessness.
The archetype of Aquarius views humanity as a brotherhood and as Saturn expresses itself through this sign we could see some bigger changes in the structure of society during this transit. Even though some countries will experience this New Moon in August, it is still considered a Black Moon due to its proximity to the start of the month.
Even though some countries will experience this New Moon in August, it is still considered a Black Moon due to its proximity to the start of the month.
You will feel this eclipse if you have planets or points between 10 and 20 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Cap). Conflict between these two archetypes looks a bit like a mobster being told off with a broomstick by a hardened Italian mother so watch out!
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Under the influence of this Black Moon, potential and new beginnings will begin filling the cosmic skies however, we are going to have to take things slow and give the energies time to work their magic, as around the same time as the Black Moon, Mercury will be preparing to come out retrograde. I study astrology at and I think that the lunar eclipse falling on the birthday of the USA seems to indicate dark times, however this reading shows that the American experiment could have a rebirth.
We can certainly be inspired by this New Moon and think about what we want to bring into our lives, but we do have to be patient, get still with our breath, and tune into our hearts to allow the energy of the cosmos to integrate with the energy of our soul. Be sure to take some time out to delve deep into your spirit through playful creativity before the Sun opposes Jupiter and Pluto on 14 and 15 July respectively. All depends how humanity responds to this challenge and whether we are able to put aside our differences and work together as one. Bullying and oppression needs to be called out in whatever form it comes.
organized, inspired, dedicated, hard working
Date & Time: Jul 20 2020 1:54 pm. Your email address will not be published.
This Full Moon makes a wide square with Black Moon Lilith at 17 degrees Aires, and the Moon clashing with Lilith is not a pretty sight. We see can this happening around us as our culture responds to the massive social and economic changes brought about by COVID-19.
July is also a month where we will encounter new ideas, opportunities and possibilities to replace the things that we have had to let go. A Black Moon is the name that is given to the second New Moon in a calendar month. I will be rooting for that. Fortunately, on 23 July, Mercury will sextile Uranus, which is a wonderful aspect, lending itself to progressive and visionary thinking.
It’s hard to deny that 2020 has been unusually hard and astrologically it’s easy to see why.
In fact, if there was a mantra for this Black New Moon it would be- “no one knows you better than you know yourself.”. Being in Australia I am not so familiar with the racial politics of the US but we do have our own racial issues here. Click Here The #1 Reason Men Lose Interest In Women They Love. Sounds like a fonzy new art movement right? Under the spell of this Black Moon, remember: you know yourself. Love Align: astrology for happy, healthy relationships.
Indigenous people make up just over 3% of the population.
It may be challenging to balance the demands of work with the life of the home and its claim on us. You can look up your Black Moon Lilith sign here , and to find its positions through the years, see the Black Moon Lilith ephemeris (along with White Moon Selena, Lilith’s counterpart). Full Moon in Virgo 9 March 2020: a moment of clarity. You know what is right, you know what is best for you, you know which way you need to travel and what you need to do. This is helpful as we prepare for the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on July 5.
The Black Super New Moon also brings the start of a new lunar cycle, and this new cycle comes after a series of very potent and transformative Eclipses. On July 31st or August 1st, depending on the time zone you live in, we have a Black Super Moon in the sign of Leo. he term Afrofuturism, coined in 1993, seeks to reclaim black identity through art, culture, and political resistance. Imagine pushing up all the anxious energy you have in your gut straight into your heart.
But we must remember that change is fundamental to our survival and it pushes us to adapt and to evolve, as well as to advocate for our rights.
The next black moon cycle begins with the solar eclipse in Cancer on 21st June 2020.
To see more on Saturn’s move into the sign of the revolutionary, check out my article Saturn in Aquarius: activists and visionaries get organised.
We do best to acknowledge the extent of our magical powers and surrender to it: “…grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to accept the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” Biblical.