Graphic, real-life violence in powerful Rodney King story. It's a beautiful book that highlights some important events in African American history. Both educational and moving, "Black America" is a visual history book for those who desire to gain an understanding of African American History. From the early work of Martin Luther King, Jr. and other civil rights leaders in the 1950s, to deconstructing the reasons behind the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, it examines key political, economic, and sociocultural phenomena that have profoundly impacted the Black community in the United States over the last five decades. User Ratings External Reviews Really really cool. It also discusses the emergence of different factions within the Black community, and the political divisions and cultural transformations that have come about as a result. I'd forgotten so many of the truly important events of our lives. In his new four-hour series, BLACK AMERICA SINCE MLK: AND STILL I RISE, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. embarks on a deeply personal journey through the last fifty years of African American history.

It also points to the broader impact Black culture has had on the country and the world. Start by marking “And Still I Rise: Black America Since MLK” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Find more TV shows that help kids build character. It is a treasure trove of Black history, a beautiful chronological timeline of events from 1965-2015, illustrated with gorgeous photos. This journal type of approach contained in the book …

Families can talk about being a Black person in America. The companion book to Henry Louis Gates, Jr.’s PBS series, And Still I Rise—a timeline and chronicle of the past fifty years of black history in the U.S. in more than 350 photos. Often in the context of African American history, the story really starts and ends with the decade of the Civil Rights Movement. Searching for streaming and purchasing options ... Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. by Ecco. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Check out these resources to begin and continue these discussions. I caught the PBS documentary with the same name last spring and loved it so much that we got the book as well. It is an ongoing story full of advances and relapses. Third docu in series is candid, colorful, and powerful.

How can these biases be eliminated? We display the minimum age for which content is developmentally appropriate. We’d love your help. Henry Louis Gates Jr. is a Professor of African and African-American Studies at Harvard University and Director of the W. E. B. White supremacist and other non-Black leaders who have had a major impact on the Black community are examined. Watch Queue Queue But often how American has overlooked how African Americans have continued and still continue to shape the landscape of American society and culture. A chronology of black history in the USA between 1965 and 2015 this book covers a lot of ground and therefore is pretty dense. Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox. I learned a great deal. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research.

Common Sense and other associated names and logos are trademarks of Common Sense Media, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (FEIN: 41-2024986). There is so much to digest and p. This is not your typical coffee table book. I have not watched the PBS show (this book is the companion) but this is not hard to follow. I'm so glad I did. Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise, Worth watching even if you remember some or all of it, History -- US3 - Slavery - African American, Amazon’s Black Employee Network Recommended Watching. Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Some I was not, such as the fact that the comic book character, the Black Panther was introduced in July of 1966 (a minor event), or that Henry Louis Gates, Jr. was the Harvard professor reported by a passer by as attempting to break into his own home and was subsequently arrested and held for four hours in July 2009. The conversations that take place are often personal, but each narrative offers well-informed and unique insights into the different ways systemic racism continues to impact the daily lives of Black citizens across the United States. He is well-known as a literary critic, an editor of literature, and a proponent of black literature and black cultural studies. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Archival photographs and video footage help round out these conversations. I'm so glad I did.

Important figures in Black history, including the leaders of different factions within the Black community and pop culture influencers are also discussed. I can start by saying that I am equally surprised by how many of the events are familiar to me (I was in high school at the beginning of this chronology.) From the early work of Martin Luther King, Jr. and other civil rights leaders in the 1950s, to deconstructing the reasons behind the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, it examines key political, economic, and sociocultural phenomena that have profoundly impacted the Black community in the United States over the last five decades. Refresh and try again.

How can we use the media to  talk to children about race-related issues? I learned a great deal.

Excellent book! Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

There is so much to digest and process, and although the short descriptions of events are surface-level (50 years of history condensed into 285 pages), reading this book reminded me of things I had learned before; pieced together some of the holes in my knowledge of Black history, and most importantly, gave me a long list of people and events I can't wait to learn more about, and books I want to read (some for the second time). But it also reminds us that there is hope for continued progress as the fight against racism continues.

TV programs, magazines, and advertisements are shown, smoking is visible, and drinking and drug use is discussed. There is so much to digest. I learned so much and found there is so so much more to learn. FAQ Curses are bleeped, but the "N" word and other racist epithets -- many of which were deemed acceptable at the time -- are audible in archive footage. © Common Sense Media. But in this sense, we seen how African American life thrived and also the the issues that still plague our community. Alcoholism and drug addiction is discussed as it relates to Black communities, and how it compares to White ones. And truly fitting that I finished this book as the nation celebrates the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. How do you review a chronology?

Hide Spoilers. A v. An amazing compilation of events in America from 1965-2015 as they pertain to the civil rights and accomplishments of African Americans. In what ways does Black America Since MLK: And I Still I Rise address this injustice? Cigarette smoking and drug use is visible. Thank you Dr. Gates. Feb 15, 2020 David Pierce rated it it was amazing. There have been heroes and nemeses. THE DOCUMENTARY: “Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise”. Thanks for this gift Dr. Gates & Dr. Burke. I highly recommend the DVD. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise at This chronology begins in 1965, with the march to Montgomery depicted in the recent film Selma, and comes full circle to the 50th anniversary, with a quote from President Obama’s speech; … |

and how many drew blanks for me (partially due to my relative indifference to music, film, TV, and popular culture over this span of years). It's told in chronological order (as it says on the cover) with major dates and the important events on that day (sometimes longer depending on what happened). Parents and caregivers: Set limits for violence and more with Plus. So informative and I learned so many new things. The archival footage isn’t always easy to watch, especially when it reveals the overt (and accepted) racist attitudes and behaviors of the time. In light of recent events (plus Martin Luther King Jr. Day coming up) this seemed like a good book to read. Gates does an excellent job of chronicling.