We can register 100,000 new Democratic voters in Texas.

O'Rourke also discussed how he felt he performed at the most recent Democratic debate and where he thinks the state of the primary race is a few months before the first voters head to the primaries in early 2020. Any election results reported on November 3rd will be incomplete and inaccurate. South Carolina Democratic Convention Speech, Beto O'Rourke Post Debate Interview With Tom Llamas, Beto O'Rourke State of the Union Interview, Beto O'Rourke Speech Relaunching Presidential Campaign in El Paso, Texas, Beto O'Rourke Press Conference After El Paso Mass Shooting, Beto O'Rourke AFSCME 2020 Public Service Forum, Beto O'Rourke Post Debate Interview Morning Joe, Beto O'Rourke Speech at 2019 NAACP Convention, Beto O'Rourke South Carolina Democratic Party Convention Speech, Beto O'Rourke Announces 2020 Presidential Run. Beto O'Rourke spoke with ABC News Correspondent Tom Llamas after the third Democratic Presidential debate where he was asked about a notable moment during the debate when O'Rourke said "hell yes" when asked by the moderators if he was willing to "take away" Americans assault weapons. Not only could you potentially receive delicious cookies from Beto, but you’ll also be helping 7 amazing State House candidates connect with voters in their district. Beto O'Rourke was interviewed by the hosts of MSNBC's Morning Joe from El Paso, Texas, where he was attending to his home state after one of the worst mass shootings in US history killed nearly two dozen people and left many more critically wounded. O'Rourke harshly criticized Donald Trump for, in his view, stoking racial tensions in the country, particularly his home state of Texas. While Pat was charismatic and outgoing, his son was more reserved. He touched on issues he had heard the most out while campaigning, as well as his mission to return the power to the people. O'Rourke insisted that the vast majority of Americans in both political parties agree that something needs to be done to stop having so many mass shootings in the country and that he thinks common sense gun laws are the best way to get there. Whether you’re signing up because you want some cookies or because you feel like now’s the time to step up and help save Texas (and the country), we’re excited to have you join us tonight or Saturday. He was asked about white privilege, healthcare and his run for the 2020 Democratic presidential contest. Beto O'Rourke sat down with Margaret Brennan to discuss the mass shooting in Odessa, Texas, that killed at least seven people and wounded many more. O'Rouke directly called Donald Trump a racist and said the words he says are connected to the mass shooting in El Paso. Beto O'Rourke spoke with Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski on "Morning Joe" the morning after the 4th Democratic Debate to discuss his debate performance and where he sees the race just over three months from the start of the 2020 primary season. Former Texas Representative, Beto O'Rourke announced his bid for president in an official online video, via YouTube. Some notable moments are when Senator Warren publicly called for the elimination of private health insurance (a first for her), Julian Castro's passionate plea for a more inclusive immigration law, and a number of candidates answering questions in Spanish instead of English in a bid to appeal to Hispanic voters. However, he was just as adamant that he is not interested in taking firearms away from hunters or people who have a gun for self defense purposes. Beto O'Rourke participated in the AFSCME 2020 Public Service forum, along with 18 other Democratic candidates. The League of United Latin American Citizens hosted a town hall that featured four Democrats vying for the 2020 Presidential nomination. Beto O'Rourke Launches Two New Virtual GOTV Phone Bank Events To Flip The Texas House Blue poopdogcomedy Community (This content is …

Sign the petition: Pledge to continue Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legacy of fighting for women’s rights. O'Rourke lamented the culture of mass shootings and violence permeating throughout the country and directly blamed Donald Trump for enabling the shootings, saying the President gives "encouragement" to those "who traffic in racism and intolerance. O'Rourke doubled down during his interview, saying that he has spoken with many gun owners who told him they "would willingly give that weapon up" because they "don't need it.". Beto O'Rourke held an impromptu press conference hours after a right-wing gunman murdered at least twenty and wounded dozens more in one of the United States worst mass shootings in history. In 2018, we watched as amazing Texas State House candidates lost their races by less than 500 votes. Just last night, Beto baked fresh triple chocolate chip cookies for tonight’s phone bank. He went on to demand that legislatures at the local, state, and federal level begin taking action to stop this scourge of violence inundating our society. Virtual Voter Registration Phone BankMonday, May 18, 6:30 PM CT, Virtual Voter Registration Phone BankThursday, May 21, 6:30 PM CT. Sam, we’ve got a 3-part plan to win, and right now we’re at part 1: Calling huge numbers of unregistered Democratic voters is critical to our success. On September 18, 2020, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away at age 87. We can’t let that happen again. The first is Cafe con Betoat 9 a.m. Pacific at Arandas Taqueria. We must have accurate and complete results. He accused the President of waging "a concerted, organized attack against immigrants, against people of color, against those who do not look like or pray like or love like the majority in this country.”, Beto O'Rourke relaunched his Presidential campaign after taking some time off the trail in the wake of a mass shooting in his home town of El Paso, Texas. Whether you’re signing up because you want some cookies or because you feel like now’s the time to step up and help save Texas (and the country), we’re excited to have you join us tonight or Saturday, Beto O'Rourke Launches Two New Virtual GOTV Phone Bank Events To Flip The Texas House Blue, Virtual Voter Registration Phone Bank with Beto.
By committing to spend just 2.5 hours calling voters across Texas, you can do your part in making sure that what happened in 2018 doesn’t happen again. Virtual Phone Bank with Beto. Sign up for a virtual phonebank with Beto now. Her storied 27-year tenure as the... Sign the petition: Traditional media cannot make premature calls on Election Night. Former congressman and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, Beto O'Rourke explained his simple argument in favor of considering impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.

Beto O'Rourke campaign stop at Natty Greene's in Greensboro, North Carolina. We can win a Democratic majority in the State House. Each candidate was given a short opportunity to speak to those in attendance about their plans to strengthen unions after years of decline in membership brought about by a variety of factors. That’s why we need you at tonight’s phone bank, to reach as many voters in these State House districts as possible. The top three candidates - Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders - stuck largely to their typical script, with neither of them delivering any major blows, to the likely relief of Joe Biden. Beto O'Rourke Launches Two Voter Registration Virtual Events To Flip Texas Blue poopdogcomedy Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.) Daily Kos moves in solidarity with the Black community. He had a strong performance and is, at least for now, seeming to move on from his health emergency. REceived this e-mail today from former Congressman & Presidential candidate, Beto O’Rourke (D. TX) and his group, Powered By People: The COVID-19 crisis reveals exactly why we need new leadership, which means we need to get to work immediately. Just last night, Beto baked fresh triple chocolate chip cookies for tonight’s phone bank. We can do better. Sorry, you are using an outdated browser. Received this e-mail today from former presidential candidate, Rep. Beto O’Rourke’s (D. TX) Powered By People: If you’ve signed up to a phone bank with us before, you know that we have a little secret surprise at the end of each shift. Virtual Phone Bank with Beto and State House candidates, Get more info or RSVP » Virtual Voter Registration Phone Bank with Beto. Can’t make tonight? ", Beto O’Rourke sat down for an interview with Chuck Todd of 'Meet the Press' to discuss reentering the Presidential campaign after taking a number of days off after a mass shooting in his home town of El Paso, Texas. Click here to donate to the voter registration efforts. This content was created by a Daily Kos Community member. He added that impeachment was not about getting rid of a president, and said "let's be thoughtful about impeachment.". I want to be the kind of leader for this country that El Paso has raised me and taught me to be.". If you can’t volunteer, please contribute to fund our organizing across the state. Eyes were also on Bernie Sanders, who is returning to the race after suffering a heart attack on October 1. He spoke about the crisis in the U.S economy, climate, and democracy, saying that they "will either consume us or they will afford us the greatest opportunity to unleash the genius of the United States of America.". It’s our last voter registration phone bank before Texas’ October 5th deadline, and we’re trying to hit our goal of registering 100,000 voters. During the interview, O'Rourke became visibly frustrated with the same old "thoughts and prayers" routine that inevitably happens after every mass shooting and exclaimed that "this is fu*ked up" on live television. I was an awkward and shy kid, so it was the last thing I wanted to do, but now I can look back and bless my experience in it." He said his campaign was about giving opportunities to Americans, and the possibility of advancement for everyone. The fourth Democratic debate at Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio, just outside of Columbus, featured twelve candidates all sharing the same stage. Please upgrade to a newer version in order to view this site properly.. Powered By People
RSVP now to attend tonight’s phone bank and see if you’re one of our lucky volunteers! You can sign up for that here! During his childhood, O'Rourke accompanied his father Pat at campaign stops and other political events. P.S. The first Democratic debate of the 2020 election cycle featured the first ten of twenty candidates who qualified to participate. Night one of the second Democratic debate in Detroit featured two popular progressive candidates speaking the most, Bernie Sanders & Elizabeth Warren, engaging in debates with more moderate candidates on topics including health care, immigration reform & college education. On Friday September 18, 2020, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a women's rights icon, died at 87. Any election results reported on November 3rd will be incomplete and inaccurate. Virtual Phone Bank with Beto.

Event Details. We can register 100,000 new Democratic voters in Texas. Beto O'Rourke spoke with ABC's Nightline to discuss how he feels he's changed after the mass shooting in his home town of El Paso, Texas took the lives of twenty-two people.

He also claimed that "allowing the NRA to set the terms of the [gun] debate no longer works.". Beto O'Rourke was interviewed by the hosts of MSNBC's Morning Joe from El Paso, Texas, where he was attending to his home state after one of the worst mass shootings in US history killed nearly two dozen people and left many more critically wounded.