BBL® CultureSwab™ and CultureSwab Plus™ Collection and Transport Systems. Ideally, specimens must be promptly transported to the microbiology laboratory, preferably within 2 hours. If you are viewing this page as a … The BBL CultureSwab Collection and Transport System is designed for the collection and transport of aerobes Transport media (Liquid Stuart Medium) are non-nutritious, buffered with phosphate and provide a reduced environment due to their formulation with sodium thioglycollate For throat, vaginal, skin and wound specimens More Information. 1–3 BD BBL ™ CultureSwab ™ EZ and BD BBL ™ CultureSwab ™ EZ II collection and transport systems are simple-to-use, media-free systems that contain a patented polyurethane foam swab. The BBL CultureSwab Collection and Transport System is designed for the collection and transport of aerobes For male urethral sampling, as well as ear, nose, throat and eye specimens Double-action security cap creates a watertight seal preventing dried-out or leaky samples More Information. 1 Keep samples viable during transport with convenient, self-contained BD CultureSwab™ and BD CultureSwab Plus™ systemsNatural or synthetic tipped transport swabs collect and lock in microbiological specimens for a safe transfer to testing location. Choose from different moistening media to improve the preservation of specific samples. The self-contained systems feature durable …

SDS For collection and transport of aerobes. The New … BD BBL™ CultureSwab™ Transport Systems: Liquid Amies, Double Swab . Medical professionals, medical facility employees 855.571.2100, Need help with SupplyManager?800.422.0280, McKesson Medical-Surgical Conference Schedule, Specimen Collection and Transport System Starswab II® 6 Inch Length Sterile, Specimen Collection and Transport System Puritan® UniTranz-RT® 6 Inch Length Sterile, Specimen Collection and Transport System ESwab™ 80 mm Breakpoint from Tip End Sterile, Consumers: Please visit, McKesson Acceptable Dating: we will ship >= 90 days, The BBL CultureSwab Collection and Transport System is designed for the collection and transport of aerobes, For male urethral sampling, as well as ear, nose, throat and eye specimens, Double-action security cap creates a watertight seal preventing dried-out or leaky samples, The Starswab II® Collection and Transport Systems are intended for the …, Amies Clear is a modified Amies gel that provides excellent survival f …, Puritan UniTranz-RT Collection and Transport System is intended for th …, The specimen transported in the Puritan UniTranz-RT can be used in the …, Contains antimicrobial agents to minimize bacterial and fungal contami …, Intended for the collection and preservation of Viruses - Chlamydia - …, Contains glass beads to release and disperse sample into the medium du …, Patented process sprays tips with short strands of nylon fiber that bo …, Strong capillary action between the fibers on the flocked tip keeps th …, Sample rapidly and completely elutes from the flocked swab as soon as ….

Numerous published studies have shown that compared to other options, BD CultureSwab swabs provide enhanced performance for microorganism recovery. The CultureSwab Plus is small enough to collect specimens for smaller areas, such as for a wound, the throat, skin or vaginal areas. B4320105. BD CultureSwab EZ II is similar to BD CultureSwab EZ except formatted as a dual swab system, allowing for simultaneous gram staining and other direct antigen testing; This product(s) resides on a Fisher Scientific GSA or VA contract. This swab has been designed for optimal patient comfort during wound specimen collection. Manufacturer: BD 220105 Catalog No.

BD CultureSwab ™ and BD CultureSwab ™ Plus collection and transport systems help collect and transport aerobes and anaerobes. BBL CultureSwab PlusTM for Recovery of Aerobic and Anaerobic Organisms By Xiaotian Zheng, PhD October 1998 Background: To effectively recover microorganisms, it is important to optimally collect and transport a clinical specimen. Created by BD Bencton Dickinson, the BBL CultureSwab Plus comes from one of the most trusted medical industries with over 100 years of experience, so you know you are getting the best. SDS However, since it usually takes much longer to transport […]