Use BBC Bitesize to help with your homework, revision and learning. Explore our best videos, articles and quizzes for primary and secondary students and discover new Primary Catch-Up Lessons to get back on track. Phase 3 Phonics- Learn and practise the different sounds! Aunque estoy bastante delgado, creo que mi dieta no es muy sana., St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh, 10 Whites Rd, Dungannon BT70 3ANPhone: 028 8776 7356. (bar) suggest that there may be an alcohol-related issue. He says he doesn't eat fruit and vegetables but he does eat burgers, chips and fatty foods, which all point to an unhealthy diet.

Practise listening, writing and reading skills to talk about health and lifestyle. Estoy muy preocupada por mi hijo. Key Stage 1 is a phase of primary education for pupils aged 5 to 7 in England, or 6 to 8 in Northern Ireland. Learn about the equals sign and how to add numbers together. No me gustan nada las frutas ni las verduras y como demasiadas hamburguesas, patatas fritas y otros alimentos que contienen mucha grasa. I think my husband drinks too much. Read about our approach to external linking. Like three of something or four of something. Find out how to subtract one number from another.

Set One Sounds- Watch the animation and learn all about the sounds s, a, t, p with the Phonics Wizards!

Phase 2 Phonics- Learn and practise the different sounds!

(cigarettes) provide you with the answer. Find free videos, step-by-step guides, activities and quizzes by level and subject.

Foundation Stage Maths Numbers learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. The idea of her son spending all his money on tobacco suggests that he might be addicted. Read about our approach to external linking.

Comenzó a fumar hace unos meses y ahora gasta todo su dinero en cigarrillos. Here are some more useful words to describe health problems: Listen to these extracts from a radio phone-in about health matters and decide which medical problems are being discussed. Foundation Phase is the statutory curriculum for primary school pupils aged 3 to 7 in Wales.

Healthy and unhealthy living covers broad health issues. C - He says he doesn't eat fruit and vegetables but he does eat burgers, chips and fatty foods, which all point to an unhealthy diet. Find out about odd and even numbers and how to tell them apart. A - Words such as beber (to drink) and bar (bar) suggest that there may be an alcohol-related issue. Tengo un problema con mi hijo. We love to count. We use numbers to describe what order things come in. This is very dangerous for his health and I want him to give it up. Like 1st, 2nd, 3rd and last.

Revise healthy and unhealthy living with BBC Bitesize GCSE Spanish (CCEA) to enable you to understand spoken and written passages and discuss health issues. He spends all the time sitting in front of the computer and never goes out with his friends to play football, like he used to do before.

Do you love to count? Foundation Stage Language and literacy learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers organised by topic. Can you count with us from 10 to 20 and then all the way back down again? I'm very worried about my son. Foundation Phase Welsh for learners learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers organised by topic.

Pasa todo el tiempo sentado delante del ordenador y nunca sale con sus amigos a jugar al fútbol, como lo hacía antes. D - The fact that the woman's son spends his entire time sitting in front of the computer suggests that his problem is lack of exercise. Find out how to order of numbers from one to ten. We love it. He started to smoke a few months ago and now he spends all his money on cigarettes.

Then we can place them into sets. Although I'm quite slim, I think that my diet is not very healthy. We use numbers to count things that are the same.
I've got a problem with my son. The idea of her son spending all his money on tobacco suggests that he might be addicted. Creo que mi marido bebe demasiado. I don't like fruit or vegetables at all and I eat too many hamburgers, chips and other foods which contain a lot of fat. Find out how to count using place value headings for tens and ones. E - Words like fumar (to smoke) and cigarrillos (cigarettes) provide you with the answer.

Learn about the number bonds of 10 and 20 and how to use them. The fact that the woman's son spends his entire time sitting in front of the computer suggests that his problem is lack of exercise. St Mary's Primary School, Cabragh, 10 Whites Rd, Dungannon BT70 3AN Phone: 028 8776 7356 Sale cada noche al bar con sus amigos. My local area and the wider environment - CCEA, Local, national and international lifestyles and issues, Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA). Subtraction is when you find the difference between two values. Set Two Sounds- Watch the animation and learn all about the sounds i, n, m, d with the Phonics Wizards!

Esto es muy peligroso para su salud y quiero que lo deje. Our team of exam survivors will get you started and keep you going. Let's count together. He goes to the bar every night with his friends. The '9-1' Edexcel specification for GCSE Maths, examined from summer 2017.

Find out about putting things in order by size, whether they are small or large.