7 #23, Events:  Batman: Zero Year,  The Culling,  Night of the Owls,  Rise of the Third Army,  Wrath of the First Lantern,  Rotworld,  Throne of Atlantis,  Superman: H’el on Earth,  Death of the Family,  Green Lantern: Lights Out,  Batman: Requiem,  Gothtopia,  Trinity War,  Forever Evil,  Forever Evil: Blight,  Krypton Returns,  Red Daughter of Krypton,  Superman: Doomed,  Robin Rises,  Green Lantern: Uprising,  New 52: Futures End,  Green Lantern: Godhead,  Batman: Endgame,  Multiversity,  Convergence. Detective #622-624, (Just for fun, as a bonus feature, I included the Joker story from Batman #66, as reprinted in the Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told. Legends of the DC Universe #10-11 ), Shadows Over Gotham Starman #1M The order is set to best experience the Batman story. BFTC: Commissioner Gordon #1 BC #12 (Orphan Andy), (This is one case where the TPB — and I’m referring to the original version, not the 2015 expanded edition — offers a better reading experience than the original release of the crossover. AoS #1M

The first of these other dimensional beings was. Batman Chronicles #16 (first story) —–Perhaps this goes before LOTDK #161, where they agree to be friends? Batman #421-430 Superman #1M Detective #841 It proceeds directly after the New 52 and DC You reading orders. If you are mainly interested in the Post-Crisis DC Universe you should skip this part and begin reading at Part 2. http://www.therealbatmanchronologyproject.com/the-modern-age/the-year-one-era/year-five/. Robin #168 However, those two epics prevent a lot of other issues from fitting in. #0 – Year Two I don’t see any issue which conflicts with it. Comics from the Golden and Silver Ages are contained in Part 1 of the reading order. product of fan research. Batman Chronicles #12 (Two-Face) ; it starts with Bruce Wayne's last training stop (in Alaska) before his return to Gotham City. #842 was a fill-in by Peter Milligan about the Suit of Sorrows. Detective Comics #784-786 Detective #818 Gordon says he should get a house like Harvey and Gilda. Moreover, since post-Crisis Barry Allen had still faced Professor Zoom from the 25th century and Abra Kadabra from the 64th century, the "present" was set in the distant future making events like Armageddon 2001 and later Zero Hour impossible. Robin #1M Batman #652 If it’s the latter, I believe the Batman Chronology Project put forth several reasons why the story was non canon. Detective Annual #10 Nightwing #23 (Brotherhood of the Fist part 4) Detective #723 (Brotherhood of the Fist part 2) Batman Inc #1-8 ), Contagion MoT #1M ), The Dynamic Duo LOTDK Annual #7 (Pulp Heroes) Stories that are meant to read first appear in that order, while flashback issues tend to stay in the present day order, as that flashback is meant to be seen in that order. Batman #452-454

Batman #686 (* denotes issue not written by GM, although he did contribute a text piece to FCSF, and only co-write DCU 0). Get started on the Batman Read order with Batman: Year One, Get started on the Batman Read order with Batman: Year One, For more lists like our Batman read order check out our reading order list, Spider-Man Chronology ’63-’66: Indispensable Spider-Man Pt 1, All New, All Different Marvel and Legacy Reading Order, New 52 Trinity (Superman – Batman – Wonder Woman). Batman #553 Post was not sent - check your email addresses! This is the timeline of Batman's career. 2.) #4 – Elseworlds (outside of main continuity) Battle for the Cowl #1 Batman #449 Batman #687 Detective #702, (I have Final Night mapped in my Superman collection, but the only Batman issue included is Detective #703. Batman #635-641, 645-650, Annual #25, (Infinite Crisis occurs around this time. New Titans #60 DC1M #1 8 #7, Events:  Night of the Monster Men,  Justice League vs. Detective #615 Batman Chronicles #14 Catwoman #32 Detective #839-840 Nightwing #19 ), Death and the Maidens (TPB) Welcome to the New 52 Reading Order. Nightwing #139 Detective #626 Author. Batman: Gordon’s Law #1-4 ), Aftershock GL #1M Huntress/Spoiler: Blunt Trauma #1 The modern age Batman recommended chronology and reading over which takes you all the way from Year One to the New 52. ), Dead Reckoning SOTB #1M This chronology is edited assuming: Events occurred in the unified timeline of "New Earth." SOTB Annual #5

Welcome to our complete Post-Crisis Superman Reading Order.

Batgirl Special #1, Death in the Family I’m not going for complete here by any means, but I do try to hit all of the major events. Posted by bluedevil2002 on February 2, 2013 in DC, Mapping | 11,055 Views | 16 Responses. Detective #700 Batman #672-675

The “big cliffhanger” is that Tim’s girlfriend dyed her hair. If you find you aren’t enjoying these issues it is recommended you skip to Part 2 of the order,  which begins immediately after Crisis on Infinite Earths.

This story became the structural basis for the. https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Post-Crisis?oldid=2780644, There are several alternate realities that continue to be accessed by the primary DC reality and its inhabitants or are accessed by extradimensional beings. Issues:  Batman #404 to Mister Miracle Vol. Batman #558 Batman Annual #21 ), Cataclysm (TPB) Gotham Knights #28 (B&W backup) #21-23 – Year Two Could you please tell me which ones are these issues? Batman: Legends Of The Dark Knight (1989), Poison Ivy: Cycle Of Life And Death (2016), Listed on this timeline are all (major) Batman story arcs, from, First published in the trade paperback ''.

#100 – Batman Through the Ages (outside of main continuity) Nightwing #1M

2 #19, Events:  Legends,  Millennium,  Invasion!,  Superman: Exile,  Janus Directive,  Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying,  War of the Gods. Batman #653 Nightwing #101-106 DC1M #2 #116-126 – No Man’s Land DC1M #4 Detective #722 Any scenes not involving the Joker are not included in this reprint. SOTB #53 (The Modern Age would/should have started with Batman #392, which was the first Batman issue to be released after the original Crisis. which stories do you dump? Robin #28, (The original TPB only includes the last two stories from Batman Chronicles #4, skipping the Hitman story.

Post-Crisis is a term used to describe characters, items, realities or events that take place during DC Comics' publishing history following the 1985-86 Crisis on Infinite Earths limited series. Batman Annual #14 Issues:  Detective Comics #801 to Booster Gold Vol.

Swamp Thing #7 (as reprinted in Hidden Treasures #1) Since you didn’t put them in your continuity could you tell me what are the biggest ones? For example, your can search for Grant Morrison, Joker, Hush or Detective Comics, or even a combination of any of the factors. If it’s read after Year One and before Annual #14 there aren’t any problems, are there? JLA 21* Unauthorized duplication is a violation of copyright law. The Crisis on Infinite Earths series effectively re-booted the internal DC universe from the dawn of time onward. Detective #701

It also cuts the last page of Robin #28, which has a bit of a cliffhanger that leads into the next two issues of Robin. Batman #533 Turning points #1 can easily be put without having to skip to Knighfall. With the …

Since I was cutting up the trade for other projects, I opted to include the story at the end of this book. Detective #821-826 ), Gordon of Gotham (TPB) The History of the Post-Crisis DC Universe covers the DC Universe that came in the wake of the reality-changing event known as Crisis on Infinite Earths.While the changes caused by the Crisis go all the way back to the Dawn of Time, this timeline will focus on the events following the Crisis event itself up until the DC Universe was changed drastically again during the event known as Flashpoint. Batman #442, Heroes and Madmen

It wasn’t worth throwing out entire issues for one panel. FC: Submit Batman's origin is first presented in Detective Comics#33 in November 1939, and is later fleshed out in Batman#47.

LOTDK #1-10 (Shaman and Gothic), Batman/Catwoman (DCP 100-Page Spectacular) Chronos #1M, (Again, another DCU crossover that sits with my Superman collection. Please leave your request for additional characters to include in the comments section. Batman #448