Plenary addresses will be given by Ursula Heise, Cherríe Moraga, Melissa K. Nelson, and Nnedi Okorafor.

Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. How should we write, teach, protest, live, and act during this era when “paradise” is on fire, figuratively and literally? Panels which are aligned with the conference themes and reflect the diversity of the ASLE mission will be given priority.

All panels are 90 minutes long and may take the form of a traditional paper session (4 presenters); a roundtable (up to 6 presenters making brief remarks that foster lively conversation); or a jam session (up to 8 participants in a nontraditional format of the organizer’s choosing that includes significant audience participation). ”. ABOUT THE EVENT / Keynote and Invited Speakers: The following professor has graciously agreed to deliver keynote speech: Professor Dr. Daniel L. Rubinfeld.

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ASLE is a nonprofit professional association with a dynamic membership and one dedicated, part-time professional staff member. Multiple panel submissions are allowed, but keep in mind that only one paper submission is allowed per person, as participants can present only once during the conference.

Finalists Announced for 2019 ASLE Book Awards, Statement on EFSLE/FSLE in India and Disaffiliation, Ecocriticism and Environmental Humanities, Rising: Dispatches from the New American Shore, Naturalizing Africa: Ecological Violence, Agency, and Postcolonial Resistance in African Literature, Inhospitable World: Cinema in the Time of the Anthropocene. Premodern narratives about the natural world were never far from our minds, however, in part because many panels explored the environmental and epistemological boundaries posed in (or by) the past.

a 500-word max description of the proposed workshop theme and structure (for four hours), in addition to the leader’s or leaders’ (limited to two) particular qualifications to lead it; and.

( Log Out /  Thank you for your patience as we attempt this two-step method of organizing our biennial gathering. As we read agricultural manuals from the sixteenth century and puzzle over their pictures, we are reminded that industrialization began much earlier than the late nineteenth century.

Our desire is to maximize the ability of our membership to participate in the shaping of the conference, an event at the very heart of our ASLE community. Panel organizers themselves will choose presenters from the submissions that they receive and will let paper proposers know if their paper has been accepted no later than January 10, 2019.

Pre/post conference workshop participation, organizing panels, and chairing a panel do not count as presenting.

ASLE 2019 Field Trip to the Yolo Basin to see the nightly bat flyout. The almond we eat while working in a library in Scotland was most likely grown ten miles from our campus.

Yet as Octavia Butler’s dystopian vision of California on fire has shown, walls seldom lead to lasting safety and cannot exclude a turbulent world for long (The Parable of the Sower). All paper proposals that do not find a home in the panel to which they were submitted will be considered for placement into one of the conference’s many open panels. Over the next several days of the conference, this tension between premodern past and present often materialized when the conversation turned to rhetoric: the rhetoric we are currently using to discuss environmental issues, where it has been inherited from, and whether it is successful in allowing us to have cross-disciplinary interactions.

WHEN / June 27-28, 2019. ASLE policy is currently to discourage virtual participation at our biennial conferences except in extraordinary circumstances or to accommodate disability. So, one of the obvious challenges of applying ecocritical thought to premodern literature is that the connections to the present environmental crisis are not always obvious.

ASLE will then distribute by email and on our website a Call for Papers listing all conference panels seeking paper proposals. The Biennial ASLE Conference “Paradise on Fire” explores the connections among storytelling, real and imagined landscapes, future-making, activism, environed spaces, differential exclusions, long histories, and the disaster-prone terrains of the Anthropocene. ASLE seeks to inspire and promote intellectual work in the environmental humanities and arts. Photo by Ben Blackman (UC Davis).

The secure submissions site requires you to create a simple login account to submit your panel proposal, which will also allow you to view your submission and make modifications up to the deadline. This year we are experimenting with a two-part submission process intended to make the conference more participant-driven and democratic. Princeton University Press, 2017.

The exhibit will be open for the duration of the conference (Wednesday-Saturday), and we anticipate approximately 900-1000 participants will attend the conference.

A week after the conference has concluded, we are still thinking about how premodern concerns permeated many of the ASLE discussions, particularly those that grappled with how to navigate environmental and epistemological boundaries.

The price of its establishment was the genocide of the land’s indigenous populations. We also want to empower ASLE members to shape the conference they will attend. Simply put, how are we, as rule-breaking medievalists and early modernists, supposed to share pre-industrial environmental thought with scholars working in later historical periods? Topics may include but are certainly not limited to: ASLE is a diverse professional community that is enriched by the multiple experiences, cultures, and backgrounds of its members, and we strive for access, equity, and inclusion in the conference. 2019 Singapore Conference Highlight.

The inception of ecocriticism, the very foundation of ASLE, was always meant to shine a light on the environment and harmful environmental thought.

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If you have inquiries about the CFPs listed there or are interested in promoting an Oe-relevant conference session, please email Oecologies. The first step is this ASLE 2019 Call for Panels. Robert L. Bridges Professor of Law … How can a medieval drawing of the world shape how we talk about and find solutions to the 21st century environmental crisis? Congratulations to our winning and honorable mention authors: Rising: Dispatches from the New American Shore by Elizabeth Rush.

We create new opportunities by combining innovative concepts and technologies with industry knowledge, scientific research, experience, and expertise.

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It deftly weaves together the work of major ecocritical scholars such as Nixon, Haraway, Caminero-Santangelo, Iovino and Oppermann, and to sharply critique a status quo (the anthropocentrism of postcolonial studies). The complete process is detailed after the conference description below.

As participants’ names will appear on the program, we encourage registrants to apply to present in one of these events instead of giving a paper at the conference.

In addition to the workshops to be proposed, our Graduate Liaisons will organize a writing workshop for graduate students.

Ambitious, important, and beautifully written.”. The 2019 Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE) conference was hosted last week (June 26-30) on one of the home campuses of Oecologies: the University of California, Davis.

Submit here: Workshop proposals must be sent to the coordinator by September 1, 2018.

Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

Our Call for Panels is open (new deadline Sept. 4, 2018), with a Call for Papers to follow this fall. These workshops may or may not relate directly to the conference theme (although we encourage it) and will be held either at the beginning of the conference on Wednesday, June 25th or at the end, on Sunday, June 30th. Judges have announced the winners for the 2019 ASLE Book Awards and Graduate Student Paper Awards. These panels may be of two types: Panel proposals should be submitted electronically. Yes! Participants Registration register now! Annette Hulbert, Kirsten Schuhmacher, & Breanne Weber.

These awards in the areas of ecocriticism and environmental creative writing were established in 2007 and are given biennially to recognize excellence in the field.

Milkweed Editions, 2018.

Please subscribe to periodic email announcements from ASLE. For further information or to submit a proposal, please email Nicole Seymour, Conference Workshop Coordinator, at [email protected]. The winners are: Carlos Alonso Nugent (Yale University), “Latinx Archives in/of/and the Anthropocene”, Pao-chen Tang (University of Chicago): “Looking Through the Compound Eyes: The Ecological Sublime and Found Footage Aesthetics in Dragonfly Eyes”, Heidi Hong (University of Southern California), “Toxic Waters: Visualizing Vietnamese Ecologies in the Afterlives of Empire”, For an archive of quarterly newsletters published in PDF format prior to 2014, visit the. The three Oecologies-sponsored panels took place on the final day of ASLE, which gave us several days to attend a variety of panels and gain a sense of the scholarly atmosphere. A compelling, masterful blend of journalism, social critique, and personal discovery that brings climate change right to the reader’s door.

It is not enough to simply point out premodern conceptions of the environment; the history is only part of the story. We are also issuing a call for Pre/Post Conference Workshop proposals at this time (included in PDF).

As interest in the environmental humanities has greatly expanded, we hope this structure will not only be more transparent but will take better advantage of the wide-ranging interests, expertise, and diversity within ASLE. ASLE operations cover Agriculture, Soil, Land, and Environment sectors. Naturalizing Africa: Ecological Violence, Agency, and Postcolonial Resistance in African Literature, by Cajetan Iheka. 12 - 14 December, National University of Singapore.

Information on which topics are being offered will be available in late Fall 2018. Rush combines extensive research with moving personal connections to the places and people inhabiting those places affected by the oceans already rising–and the disruptions that rising and warming seas will increasingly unloose.

Proposals for panels must include the type (traditional papers, with or without a respondent; roundtable; jam session of any kind) and a 250 word abstract for the panel outlining topic, format, and participants’ roles.

The 15th ASIAN LAW AND ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE 2019. Looking out at the attendees of the Oecologies panels, most, if not all, were scholars of premodern literature. For an archive of quarterly newsletters published in PDF format prior to 2014, visit the. We expect the majority of accepted panels to be of this kind. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. We are modifying the organization of the 2019 ASLE conference to ensure that the conference program reflects the diverse strengths and interests of the ASLE community.

We keep this in mind as we read, and we hopefully can use what we’ve read to better illuminate our own ecological reality. Please note that unlike in previous years we are not seeking only preformed panels.