In the event that it becomes necessary to change the date/time of a panel or roundtable, the ASEEES office will notify the organizer, who in turn must notify all participants. University of Pittsburgh The roundtable is organised by the Digital Russia Studies initiative at the University of Helsinki. By April 30: All roundtable, panel, and lightning round participants who are in any related Slavic, East European and Eurasian studies fields in the U.S. or abroad MUST be ASEEES members upon receiving notification of proposal acceptance, which should be announced in late April. All changes should be sent to For complete rules of convention participation, click HERE. For additional badges or other exhibitor questions, contact the convention manager Please consider becoming a member. Additionally, we started a Convention Registration Fund where donations will allow attendees who are financially impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic to register.

San Francisco Marriott Marquis, 2, Foothill F. The ‘digital’ is profoundly changing Russia today, yet it is equally transforming the methods we use to study Russia. If you have any questions about registering for the Convention, please contact Sean Caulfield at or by phone at (412) 648-9911 (voicemail only) or (412) 436-9468 (alternate phone). You will be required to bring any other equipment, i.e., your own laptop and necessary cables (especially if you have a Mac), to make your presentation. From October 7 to November 8, you can register at a higher fee. For complete rules of convention participation, click HERE. For researchers investigating Russia, digitalisation and datafication have resulted in the emergence of a wealth of new (big) data sources, such as social media and various other kinds of ‘digital-born’ content, that allow us to investigate Russian society in novel ways. Kelly O’Neill, Harvard University Imperiia Project director, will talk about using digital spatial analysis in teaching and the use of digital methodologies to analyze diaries.

As examples, we will discuss concepts such as data sources and management, blogging, and open pedagogies. If you are looking to share a room, please check out our Room-share Locator. Please note that membership dues payment is not the same as registering for the convention. What new research questions emerge and what future directions for research are made possible by these shifts?

We set up a Facebook group to facilitate discussion amongst convention attendees about sessions and other logistics.

If the time of a meeting is changed, ASEEES will notify the representative who requested the meeting. The roundtable presenters will talk about their experience of bringing privately held, archived, and published diaries to a wide audience of students, volunteer transcribers, and the interested public and using digital humanities methods in teaching and analyzing diaries. For those using Twitter, the hashtag for the 2019 Convention is #aseees19. Please note that membership dues payment is not the same as registering for the convention. Sun, November 24, 10:00 to 11:45am, Learn how your comment data is processed. All participants on panels/roundtables, members and non-members, must preregister and pay the registration fee. All convention participants, including paper presenters, panelists, discussants, roundtable participants, and session chairs must register by October 7 (see the complete rules for participation and registration here).

Required fields are marked *. The primary founder of Harvard’s Ukrainian Research Institute and the first Mykhailo S. Hrushevs’kyi Professor of Ukrainian History at Harvard, Omeljan Pritsak was an esteemed … Freedom of thought and inquiry lies at the very heart of our work as teachers and scholars, and it guarantees the vitality not only of our careers, but also of the academic institutions where we work, as well as academia more broadly.

Pittsburgh, PA 15260-6424 Our discussion will integrate approaches to the circulation of texts, concepts, archives, data, and communities across a variety of borders: geographical ones, as well as borders between media, technical platforms, data formats, and across the digital-analogue divide. Second, the round table will showcase examples of the cutting-edge application of computational research methods and reflect on the manifold opportunities for applying them to the study of Russian society, politics and culture.

A practice room will be set up during the convention to test your connectors prior to you session. If an exhibitor is participating on a panel/roundtable, she or he must notify ASEEES of this status at as soon as possible, but no later than October 7 in order to be included in the index of participants. Please note that Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 28. You can find your own panel/roundtable/meeting schedule(s) by clicking on “View the Online Program” and entering your name or your panel/roundtable/meeting title in the Search box. In addition to presenting highlights of their own work at the intersections of DH and Eastern European studies, panel participants will reflect on the ways in which digital humanities provides a different organizing principle for their scholarly networks and community. The Pritsak Prize carries a cash award and is presented annually at the ASEEES Annual Convention. Consider becoming a member. Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, 203C Bellefield Hall

We highly recommend that you schedule your flight early to secure the best rates and availability. San Francisco Marriott Marquis, 2, Foothill F. While faculty often see the digital humanities (DH) as “add-ons” to traditional texts and other course materials, DH tools and resources offer tremendous potential to transform the learning experience by supporting open and collaborative learning. If you have any questions about registering for the Convention, … Panel/Roundtable Participant Registration Deadline: If you are a panel/roundtable participant, you must pre-register by October 7 to have your name listed in the Convention Program Index of Participants. Sat, November 23, 6:00 to 7:30pm, We are pleased to announce that the preliminary schedule for the 2019 ASEEES Annual Convention, San Francisco Marriott Marquis, is now available at:  Click on the link “Go directly to the 2019 Convention program online” to see the searchable online schedule. Benjamin Sawyer, a host of the popular podcast and blog “The Road to Now” ( will chair the panel and record interviews with the participants and the public for his website. Sat, November 23, 8:30 to 11:40am Only scholars and professionals outside the field of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian studies are not required to join ASEEES, but must register for the convention at the non-member rate. The Convention theme is "Anxiety and Rebellion". Registration exception: Exhibitors with exhibitor badges who are also participating in sessions do not need to register separately for the convention. Please see our Refund Policy for Convention registrations. USA, Member Access to Slavic Review [login required], ASEEES Summer Dissertation Writing Grants, Understanding Modern Russia Research Grants. The Proposal Submission is now open. "The Promises of Infrastructure II: Mediating Late Socialist Modernity" 51st Annual ASEEES Convention to be held at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis, November 23-26, 2019. (Learn more about membership in ASEEES). This includes representatives of institutional members; insitutional membership does not flow down to individual … The 2019 Convention schedule is Saturday, …

This panel brings together scholars who have implemented or participated in international collaboration to further their engagement with digital tools and methodologies. If you are not currently a member or have not renewed your membership for the current calendar year, you must do so upon receiving notification of proposal acceptance, which should be announced in late April. Download form to register by email, fax or post: As we move the 2020 convention to a virtual platform, we are offering registration rates at 50% of the in-person convention registration rates. While the political and especially economic impacts of globalization in the digital era have been subject to public attention and substantial research, cultural mobility and its entanglement with the virtual realm can benefit from a more thorough conceptualization. Registration Waiver Requests: We're offering registration waivers for: Those financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic - Graduate students, contingent faculty, independent scholars, and those who lost their jobs or were furloughed are especially encouraged to apply - Complete this request formGraduate students and scholars in Russia (thanks to a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York) - Complete this request formGraduate students presenting papers related to Russian studies (thanks to an external grant and donation) - Complete this request formAll undergraduate students - Complete this request form.