Scholarly papers and panels are welcome on any aspect of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. 2018 CALL FOR PAPERS. 2020 ASEEES Virtual Convention November 5-8 and 14-15. The International Association for the Humanities – MAG

The MAG Convention 2018 will take place at the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Center of the Ukrainian Catholic University in … Registration will open on June 27, at 10:00 am in the lobby of the Metropolitan Sheptytsky Center (2A Kozelnytska street). Following the theme of the 2016 ASEEES-MAG Convention “Image of the Other”, we seek to examine the way states, societies, interest groups and social movements, as well as individuals, represent themselves to themselves and to others through manifold means including language, culture, literature, the politics of history, and politics as such. Program Show Off Your Talent! Felipe R Monteiro, Mário AP Garcia, Lucas C Cordeiro, Eddie B Lima Filho. Международная ассоциация гуманитариев Scholars from all countries worldwide are welcome to apply. June 27-29, 2018, Co-organized by the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) and Program ‘Scientific Lviv’ by Lviv City Council. We welcome proposals for individual papers and complete panels for the 39th annual Conference of the Northeast Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (NESEEES, a regional affiliate of ASEEES). IAH/MAG publishes a newsletter “The Bridge-MOCT”. June 27-29, 2018 . Undergraduate students under the guidance of a faculty mentor may present a paper at the Conference if the faculty mentor submits the information listed above. Graduate students are encouraged to participate.

Thursday, December 6 – Sunday, December 9 @ Boston Marriott Copley Place ... View the Online Program. Lviv, 79011, UKRAINE, Secretariat of UCU A panel consists of an organizer, a moderator, three paper presenters, and a commentator. Registration for the Conference will be at the door that day: $40 for professionals and $25 for students, payable by either cash or personal check. The Cohen-Tucker Dissertation Research Fellowship (CTDRF) provides a stipend of $22,000 for US graduate students at US universities to conduct dissertation research on Russian historical studies primarily in Russia. Exhibit & Advertising. MAG invites proposals directly or indirectly addressing topics related to the “Image of the Self” as they to Eastern Europe and Eurasia. ASEEES Virtual Convention FAQ. Registration and fees           Convention Program           Accomodation info           Travel info. description Control Flow-Guided SMT Solving for Program Verification. Essays are judged according to the following criteria: Following the Conference, graduate students may submit revised papers to the competition for review. How have some images given rise to stereotypes and instrumentalized narratives? We welcome proposals for individual papers and complete panels for the 39 th annual Conference of the Northeast Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (NESEEES, a regional affiliate of ASEEES).
Lynda Park started the topic Proposals for 2018 ASEEES Convention Boston due Feb. 28 in the discussion 2018 ASEEES Convention, Boston on ASEEES Commons 2 years, 6 months ago Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, 203C Bellefield Hall The program committee will assign individual papers to specially constructed thematic panels. For the conference program please click here: NESEEES 2018 Final Program. Pittsburgh, PA 15260-6424 (We cannot accept credit cards.). 2018 Convention in Boston, MA. Міжнародна Асоціація Гуманітаріїв The Jordan Center is located at 19 University Place on the NYU campus. This is the convention program for the 50th Annual ASEEES Convention. Everyone is welcome to attend. Jianhui Chen, Fei He. University of Pittsburgh USA, Member Access to Slavic Review [login required], ASEEES Summer Dissertation Writing Grants, Understanding Modern Russia Research Grants. Proposals for complete and well-balanced panels and roundtables will be given priority. Complete panels will receive preference over individual paper submissions. ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper; import_contacts Bounded model checking of C++ programs based on the Qt cross-platform framework. We are very grateful to the Jordan Center, and Joshua Tucker, Director of the Center and NESEEES Honorary Chair, for their support. Much of the benefit of the Conference depends on active participation and informed commentary by participants. The Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University invites attendees of the 2018 ASEEES Convention to Harvard for a celebration of 50 years of Ukrainian studies at the university. Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. The Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) is an open academic community and a private institution for education and research, living the Eastern Christian tradition and forming leaders to serve with professional excellence in Ukraine and internationally. Application for the 2018-2019 Fellowship program is due January 8.

clarity of main research question outlining the scholar’s approach to the topic, importance of the research to the profession, readiness for publication: use of English, readability and style. Individuals may also apply.
Applicants from Eurasia and Eastern Europe (non-European Union) are eligible for travel grants. 412-648-9911 | 203C Bellefield Hall University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260-6424 USA University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260-6424 USA Phone: +38 (032) 240-99-40 The papers must be between 7,500 and 14,000 words in length. For more information see: Association for slavic, East EuropEan, & Eurasian StudiEs December 6-9, 2018 Boston, MA Convention Theme: “Performance” In addition to the organization’s 50th Annual Convent Important Dates Facebook Group. Email [email protected], All Rights Reserved © 2020 Ukrainian Catholic University. Phone: (032) 240-99-40, Email [email protected], I. Svientsitskoho Street, 17

Центр навчальних та інноваційних технологій, Kozelnytska St, 2, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine, 79000, International Association for the Humanities. Please submit your proposals here: not later than Tuesday, January 16, 2018. The convention will begin in the early afternoon of Wednesday, June 27 and continue until the closing reception on the evening of Friday, June 29. Presenter’s email and surface mail addresses, Presenter’s institutional affiliation and professional status (professor, graduate student, etc.). We strongly urge professionals in the field to volunteer to serve as chairs and/or discussants. Questions can be sent to: July 15th Announcement on the Virtual Convention.

2018 Convention in Boston, MA. 412-648-9911 | 203C Bellefield Hall University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260-6424 USA University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260-6424 USA Deadline for all applications: SUBMISSION IS CLOSED. A graduate student essay prize is awarded each year for the best paper presented at the conference.

The Conference will be held on Saturday, April 7, 2018 at the NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia. The name and contact information for the panel organizer, where applicable.

Roundtables must have a chair; and 3 to 5 roundtable speakers. MAG (International Association for the Humanities) was founded in 2007 with the help of the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the American Council of Learned Societies as an independent association of humanities scholars primarily in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine.

Continental breakfast and lunch will be available at the Conference and are included in the registration fee.