Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition Each headphone company has their unique way of doing things, even when they cater to similar needs.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Schulz, please put on your headphones.
10 Types Of Nouns Used In The English Language, The Most Epic Words You’re Probably Neglecting.
Definition and synonyms of headphones from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. Headphones definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation.
El problema en estos casos es siempre que los que tienen puestos los auriculares escuchan, mientras que los que permanecen de pie y charlan no pueden enterarse de nada. Learning Spanish should be fun. The crowd is an assortment of reporters, posse members, film students, and very skittish men sporting huge AOL headphones.
We’ve reviewed headphones from over 100 different brands so far, and below are our recommendations for the 15 best headphone brands. I ask people in the Chamber to remove their headphones for three seconds. If you speak in Spanish to those standing up at the back of the Chamber, how can they possibly understand you without their headphones on? S Se dijo: "la Comisión de Reglamento», todos lo hemos oído en nuestros auriculares. P
That said, some brands stand out among the rest. We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word headphone will help you to finish your crossword today. Y "You will fire in ten seconds," said a crisp voice in Joe's headphones.
O E Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? He listened in for another moment then 79 wonderingly took off the headphones while Herb grinned at him in triumph. O bien toma usted cursos intensivos de las 11 lenguas de la UE o le damos inmediatamente un par de auriculares.
Games and activities featuring high-quality images and audio. Mr President, I think I was right to take my headphones off relatively early on. Full list of teacher resources here. Synonyms for 'Headphone'.
Quizás pueda darle alguien los auriculares al Sr. Presidente del Consejo para que pueda escuchar brevemente.
I hope you have got your headphones on because decisions are being made here today by people with absolutely no knowledge of international finance at all.
It makes no sense to turn the public address system in the House up so loud that we can no longer hear anything over our headphones. Some Members shout into the microphone, even though the microphone is, in fact, there to make shouting unnecessary, thereby making it impossible to hear anything over the headphones. Señor Presidente, me pregunto si sería posible conseguir unos auriculares. Language from the patent mandates that the technology be used with “hearing device, headphones, ear buds, or headsets.”. Puedo confirmar sus palabras tal y como me dicen los servicios.
X Urban Thesaurus. C
Señoría, le ruego por favor que se ponga los auriculares. Señor Presidente, antes de empezar, quisiera que el Sr. Ministro y el Sr. Presidente de la Comisión se pusiesen los auriculares, a no ser que hablen griego. Go ahead, test your mental legerity to see how many words you remember from last month!
Detailed Synonyms for headphone in English.
Señor Presidente, creo que me ha venido bien quitarme los auriculares relativamente pronto. Señorías, señor Schulz, por favor, pónganse los auriculares. G What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? Continuaré en alemán, la lengua del país que represento en el Parlamento Europeo, sabiendo que usted no necesitará llevar auriculares. I understand Spanish without the headphones. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. ‘a headphone socket’ ‘One headphone on, one headphone off, we recorded late into that evening as we were ‘on a roll’.’ ‘He was discovered in the back of the car wearing headphones still playing music from a mini disc player.’ ‘She then leaned down to the bag at her feat and brought out a small laptop and a pair of headphones.’ F
V U Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, an electrical device consisting of two earphones held in position by a flexible metallic strap passing over the head, James and the Giant Internet Company: Franco and AOL Get Kissy Faces, A Love Letter to ‘The Notebook,’ a Melodrama That Commits to Its Sentimentality, The Cult of Boba Fett: The ‘Star Wars’ Bounty Hunter’s Spin-Off, Apple Wants to Make Your Head Into an App, These Are the Best Fitness Gadgets at CES. Well, now she is putting her headphones on.
Then he hung the headphones up and turned to the bewildered Lance.
Quizás se debería poner los auriculares para oír qué es lo que tiene que decir el Sr. Blak.
Señor Wurtz ¿tendría usted la amabilidad de colocarse sus auriculares para que yo pueda decirle algo? And having said this in your language, I am afraid I will have to continue in German and I would ask you to put your headphones on. D I hope that she has put her headphones on again. (DA) Comisario Rehn, en mis auriculares se traducía que estaba diciendo que el camino es tan importante como el destino.
Por tanto, considero insensato que se vuelva a subir el volumen de los altavoces de esta Casa hasta tal punto que no se entienda nada a través de los auriculares. What was said was the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, we all heard it in our headphones. headphone: headphone [the ~] noun. I was even able to understand your last request to keep to our speaking time without using headphones. Spanish word for headphones, including example sentences in both English and Spanish. We can hardly hear you without the headphones. Y habiendo dicho esto en su idioma, siento mucho tener que seguir en alemán y le pido que se ponga los auriculares. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for EARPHONES [headset] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word headset will help you to finish your crossword today.
“Karen” vs. “Becky” vs. “Stacy”: How Different Are These Slang Terms?
Best expression synonyms for 'headphone' related to 'electronics' are 'hand-gear receiver', 'head gear receiver' and 'head set'. I shall continue in German, the language of the country which I represent here in the European Parliament, knowing also that you will not therefore need to wear headphones.
Naturalmente, todos podemos escuchar al Comisario por los auriculares.
Maybe someone could give the President-in-Office a set of headphones so that he can briefly listen to what I have to say. Look it up now! Hundreds of Spanish worksheets from which to choose. Q Absentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference?