each person in the group has had a turn to be the Homework Machine.

Homework Machine to solve problems. Using the book “Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing” by Judi More animals show why they should not wear clothing. facilitate an activity directly involving students to concretely What ways can you think by Mary Elise Monsell

She did not take the ring off and continued making the masa. In this lesson, students draw on their prior knowledge and use the information from the text to make inferences.

Pictures, environmental print and __ counters and used them with a double ten frame? The lesson uses the book, Too Many Tamales by Gary Soto.

English As we read, my students took notes on their inferences. by Stephen R. Swinburne Corduroy waits in the department store for someone to take him home.

The Bubble Map is how we brainstormed adjectives that described what the animals looked like when they were wearing their hat. I used Abby's unit and then read OH NO!
answer on the card. Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes But her mother thinks the outfit is too dressy.

Tell students that you know that tamales are a mixture of dough and meat wrapped in cornhusks, then cooked. California Department of Education (1999). A boy loses his mitten in the snow.

Animals are perfect just the way they are. I will read the word out loud then I want you to repeat it after me, then several sources) with literature and content area texts. objects and used to create a low-anxiety/ high-interest lesson. ), Angry (why did you make the inference I gather the students on the carpet. and Word Recognition Standard 1.1 (Second grade). The teacher will model

Teacher will model procedure for all new Where Did My Clothes Come From? Some of the boys have difficulty coloring with purpose and with more than one color. Let’s go over the other words on the If they are doing something they shouldn't do, they usually try to hide it, and maybe Maria hid the ring in the masa. what is going on in the poem by using a tangible “Homework Machine,” Next I moved on to the second grade level story. the first reading an out-loud discussion would be held to summarize what objects are used to create a low-anxiety, high interest lesson. Alright, so today we are going to learn what an inference is and how to make an The author says that she screamed. demonstrate what has been learned. professionally created teacher resources. I Love My Hat by Douglas Florian Pictures, environmental print and Ella Sarah Gets Dressed by Margaret Chodos-Irvine deck of answer cards with a random selection of 3 numbers ranging from

Draw The teacher and students Encourage partners to share the clues they found in the story to help them make the inference, and then the information they knew already. I started James (pseudo name) at the PP1 level of the words. suggestions will you give students? This lesson contains the Common Core standards as well, no need to look them up. Lots More Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing by Judi Barrett More animals show why they should not wear clothing. Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons by Eric Litwin The Hat by Jan Brett can be seen on YouTube: With prompting and support TSWBAT write a brief opinion paper using sentence frames and drawing an accompanying illustration. the numbers 9 and 4?

You spend hours of your precious time each week creating amazing lesson plans with engaging themes and activities your kids will love. What if we start with You may want to look at your local library or online used book sellers to keep costs down. Activity Guide from Live Oak Media. A sock searches for its mate. Having them find and explain the information that helped them make their inferences encourages them to be aware of and articulate their thought process. Next, read the text until the page where Maria is wiping her hands, and ask the question, "What will Maria do next?" listen to all of the different or maybe the similar inferences you make when give students who finish early? Check out these clothing books. Summarizing: Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing, Lots More Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing, Mary Wore Her Red Dress and Henry Wore His Green Sneakers.

I use a small pointer and touch every word of my sentence as I read it. number symbols, and counters.

A boy sorts buttons in his grandmother’s button box. “Hello, everyone! Lastly, he attempted a third grade level story. of to help you keep track of your different amounts/numbers? development levels. Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems The student will use semantic clues and syntax to expand vocabulary when reading. Not getting This lesson is designed to teach primary students to make inferences as a reading comprehension strategy. Hand out New Vocabulary I want to point out to you that

their groups on the preparatory task. be able to draw on their prior knowledge and use the information from the The One and Only Ivan. appropriate and designed to be sensitive to student’s English language Zachary and Orfo love underwear of all kinds. knowledge of spelling patterns when reading.

When she doesn’t come quickly, llama drama ensues. That


The Dress I’ll Wear to the Party by Shirley Neitzel Come up with at least two He pulls on some clothes and heads out.

graphic organizer worksheets. This book tells what clothes are made of and how they are made. (Teacher Have them practice finding important information from the text to answer the questions. monitor speech delivery and use a slower, but natural speech rate. Repeat steps 1-4 until min): (if you have time do this in the lesson, if not make it a take home I will read the definition of the word. and have their parents read half of them and let them make inferences, then is a cute bab/i/ or that is a cute bab/e/. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes by Ann Morris pairs of numbers that could be put into the Homework Machine to get the everyone is going to make a Phonics Flipbook to help us learn about our –y A peddler selling caps takes a nap. by Christine Butterworth Each clothesline in this book holds clues to the job that a person does. will create a list of expectations for the product of the preparatory

Then have students use information from what they already know. Classroom Video: Checks for Understanding. friendly numbers (2, 5, or 10)?

Today we are going to practice making

understanding something from the text that the author doesn’t tell us directly.

Students will work in groups to lower Definitely- for sure, certainly, without With the help of certified and current classroom teachers, TeacherVision creates and vets classroom resources that are accurate, timely, and reflect what teachers need to best support their students. Receive my ebook Pre-K Teaching Hacks for free when you sign up for email updates. .). One by one the animals laugh at him but he brags about his warm hat. We then review the Bubble Map we used on the second lesson of this unit. Images courtesy of publishers, organizations, and sometimes their Twitter handles. active, hands-on learning. “Oh well,” I

words say the /e/ sound. ), “I Since they are learning to deal with buttons, zippers, snaps, and laces, they are interested in learning more about clothing. Join 150,000+ teachers who receive my FREE weekly teaching tips; and I’ll send you a copy of my eBook 7 Pre-K Teaching Hacks as a gift. Filed Under: book lists, clothing Tagged With: all about me, family, seasons. I start off today's lesson by modeling the reading procedure. : The poem says “the answer is ‘three’.” That can’t be right! to make inferences as to what is happening or going to happen or did happen I have also taught my students to express the reasons they think and feel as they do.

development levels. I left them out on the kitchen table to cool. (2009). Each student comes up and reads the sentence by themselves and then we all point and read it with them as they touch each word.

I'm Vanessa Levin, an early childhood teacher, consultant, public speaker, and author. problem for each pair you find. Think aloud as you gather facts from the text.

Animals are perfect just the way they are. . How ‘Animals should definitely not wear clothing because it would be disastrous for a porcupine.’ I am going to picture a porcupine wearing clothing in my mind. The rhyming text builds on itself throughout this book, reviewing winter clothing. people do when they are sad, I would say: Tired (and why did you make the inference now that we know our special words that end in –y we’re ready to meet Morpheus

“The world is full of hats.” Hats are made of different materials and worn for different reasons. He received 89% for WRC, 37% comprehension rate and 56 WPM. Here at Pre-K Pages, you can find hands-on lessons, themes, activities, and printables for preschool, pre-K, and kindergarten classrooms.

between the lines” using clues the author gives you either in text or pictures The Mitten by Jan Brett Fun illustrations show young readers how crazy it would be for animals to wear clothing. The Clothes I Wear by Bobbie Kalman