To be eligible for consideration, unless otherwise noted, all nominations must be submitted electronically, using the AERA award nomination e-form, on or before the deadline. 1200 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 238-3200 CV’s can be sent as Word or PDF files.

University of North Carolina,

1430 K Street NW, Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20005, Marisa delCampo & Whitney Bortz (co-chairs), Sent invitations to a Career Planning webinar via Div H listserve, committee chairs, and graduate student liaisons – recruited a panel of six experienced leaders in education research and evaluation. Check out our Division A members' critical resources here!

To become a member, you must first join AERA.

Membership Welcome to Division H Membership AERA's Division H—Members of AERA who are active in Research, Evaluation, and Assessment in Schools (REAS or Division H) encourage you to join or reinstate your association with us. Although Division E is one of AERA’s smallest divisions, it is a welcoming community of researchers, practitioners, and graduate students and offers many opportunities for involvement. Where else can you find research on assessment in law, engineering and medicine?

We are currently looking for 5 graduate students to join the Division G Graduate Student Executive Committee. Proudly created with. The Graduate Student Executive Committee is in charge of outreaching and engaging graduate student members in the division.

Counselor Education To the extent feasible, these accomplishments should be observable, measurable, and anticipated to be reasonably completed within this timeframe., Educational, School, and Counseling Psychology, Saundra Tomlinson-Clarke The required information should be sent electronically to this year’s Division E Nominating Committee Chair, Sarah Kiefer (

Any AERA member is welcome to join and support Division G.  You can join or renew your AERA membership online through the main website. University of South Florida Annual Meeting. Dr. Renae Mayes - Secretary (2021-2023).

Self-recommendations are encouraged., Sam Steen Membership. We have seen the evidence from recent cross-state and international studies which clearly show the strong and positive relationship between educational attainment and individual accomplishment, as well as gains in economic performance and improved well-being of a society.
Xavier University of Louisiana

College of Education, Serena Shim Merrimack College

Division L Website ©2020 American Educational Research Association., University of San Francisco Follow the live conversation on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Dr. Mayes is the Director of the School Counseling Program and an associate professor of Educational Psychology and School Counseling at Ball State University. Applied Human Development Click on awardee names to learn more about them and their research.

Click here for a special video from 2019-2020 Program Chair Soribel Genao!

Provided a copy of the ppt and discussion questions to AERA Division H leadership for posting on the website. All rights reserved.

Sarah M. Kiefer All recommendations must come from current Division E members. University of South Florida Dr. Mayes is the Director of the School Counseling Program and an associate professor of Educational Psychology and School Counseling at Ball State University. AERA DIVISION A NEWSLETTER  ... (Pictured with former Chairs Dana Thompson Dorsey and Lolita Tabron and former committee member Juan Niño) Program Planning Committee. The award nominations portal can be accessed on the AERA website at Click here to read the latest edition of the Equity, Inclusion, and Action Committee's blog, with a special message from Chair Daniel Liou and Co-Chair Katherine Rodela and introductions to the 2020-2021 EIA Committee! The call of AERA Division A graduate student applications is now open, but all applications must be received electronically by Monday, April 2, 2018.

1430 K Street NW, Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20005. Membership in the Alabama Education Retirees Association, Inc. (AERA)is open to anyone who receives retirement benefits from the Teachers’ Retirement System of Alabama., Roxanne V. Moschetti

90 participants for a 90 minute webinar presentation and discussion of potential career paths, knowledge and skills important in careers, and recent developments affecting careers.

Nowhere else will you find such a diverse, intellectually stimulating, and friendly group of scholars.

Any AERA member is welcome to join and support Division G. You can join or renew your AERA membership online through the main website. Convened a planning meeting via webex with chairs of International, Graduate Students,  Affirmative action, and Membership committees to discuss outreach and recruitment, Recruited AERA members with  interests similar to Division H, Sent membership letters to the current AERA graduate students and the campus liaisons, Submitted to Division H Webmaster membership trend data for  Division H  Membership page (2005 to 2012). Division I is a very special division within AERA that brings together a diverse group of researchers who work across the many different professions. University of Arkansas, Julia Bryan

Dr. Patrick Mullen - Program Co-Chair for Counseling (2020-2022). Christine Marsico - Junior Student Representative (2020-2022). Research, Evaluation, & Assessment in Schools (H), Annual Meeting 2016 - Research, Evaluation, & Assessment in Schools (H), Annual Meeting 2016 - Division H Sessions. Division I is a very special division within AERA that brings together a diverse group of researchers who work across the many different professions. The 12 divisions of AERA are organized to represent major scholarly or scientific areas within education research that add to the field and the Association as determined by the AERA Council. University of Arizona

Who else brings together researchers from dental education, teacher education, nursing to discuss the research on the impact of cultural competency education? Congratulations to our newly elected DivE Leaders! Dr. Mullen is an assistant professor of Counselor Education and the faculty director for Project Empower in the William & Mary School of Education.

2020 Annual Meeting. 1430 K Street NW, Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20005. Christine is a doctoral student in Counseling Psychology at Boston University Wheelock College of Education and Human Development. Ball State University

Division G members will automatically be added to the internal division email listserv. Dr. Mullen is an assistant professor of Counselor Education and the faculty director for Project Empower in the William & Mary School of Education. Educational Psychology

Membership makes us stronger especially at the Alabama Legislature where numbers speak louder than words. There are very strong reasons for you to become an active member and we welcome your participation! School of Education

The Division’s Nominating Committee invites you to submit recommendations for possible nominees for the office of Division E Secretary. Contact members whose membership is about to expire and urge them to renew, Solicit new members from AERA and related professional organizations, Designate a Web Liaison to update information on the web about committee activities, as needed, Provide on-going updates of committee activities to the full membership through the submission of articles in the Division H. Support all other related activities as identified by the Vice President. Division G “Social Context of Education” promotes research on relations between educational processes and the social, political, and economic contexts in which they occur; and advances cross-disciplinary studies. If you're not yet a member of AERA, join online.

Cirecie West-Olatunji Center for Traumatic Stress Research Xavier University of Louisiana Sam Steen School Counseling University of Arizona .

Listings of past awardees can be found at the same location.

What do you want to accomplish this year?

Roxanne V. Moschetti Department of Child & Adolescent Dev. California State University, Northridge We are so disappointed we couldn't connect this year -- we hope everyone is healthy and safe during this time., Caitlyn M. Bennett

Sent a letter to over 1800 lapsed Div H members to remind them of membership and to update them on recent developments, and received replies from them concerning re-joining or reasons for not renewing., Counseling Co-Chair

Her research focuses on the intersection of gifted education and special education for students of color in urban environments. Take a look at how to Make Participation in AERA Division D Part of a Successful Career.

Click here to read Dr. Faircloth's August 2020 message! Also, we have extra special features for our lifetime achievement honorees for Excellence in Research! Note that supporting materials may include curriculum vitae, letters of support from other AERA members familiar with the nominee’s work, sample publications, and additional information on the nominee’s accomplishments. Follow-up on methods of providing information to graduate students and departmental liaisons regarding AERA and Division H and to departments in international universities and other organizations.

Meagan Richard, Patricia Virella, & Mark Pierce. The submission deadline for the 2020 AERA-sponsored awards is now Thursday, November 7, 2019 (except for nominations for the Outstanding Book Award, which were due October 23, 2019).

Additionally, Mayes focuses on comprehensive school counseling models and interventions that support the holistic development and success of historically underserved student populations.

While signing up, you'll … Please put "Division E Secretary Nominee Recommendation" in the subject line., Human Development Co-Chair Daryl Tate

Congratulations to our Division A Members who won major AERA Awards! The Penn State University Established in 1970, Division G is the second largest AERA division and represents over 4,000 members.

Contact AERA: 1430 K Street, NW | Ste. Counseling Currently, AERA has over 22,000 members.