In 2020 let AERA take the lead in connecting research findings to the experiences and challenges of other educational and related organizational professionals. South. The AERA Online Paper Repository will launch in November. The lost education of Horace Tate. Her current Playful Learning Landscapes project, demonstrating the power of infusing learning into public spaces, is bringing interactive learning installations to cities all over the world. Examiner. They will also discuss what is needed to further understand and monitor related challenges, and will offer evidence-based policies to help education leaders, government officials, schools, and education systems make sound decisions.
He is a recipient of the Early Career Award from the American Psychological Association’s Division 5 and the Outstanding Research Award from Ball State University, serves as editor-in-chief of the journal Methods in Psychology, and has chaired multiple AERA special interest groups. Already this “California Way” is providing research evidence of the potential for changes in learning communities when educational stakeholders on varying levels engage collaboratively (Roberta, Hernandez, & Darling-Hammond, 2019). Dr. W. Holmes Finch's seminal research in quantitative methodology has advanced the field of educational measurement on the national and international levels. At Aera, we are relentless in our efforts to produce energy safely and in an environmentally responsible way. The intentionality of this emphasis we hope offers new payoffs. By reconnecting, we do not mean realigning with NEA, but we do mean programmatically engaging with educational organizations. Bring your social media outlets to take the conversation beyond the physical borders of the meeting. Roberta, C. F., Hernandez, L. E., & Darling-Hammond, L. (2019, February).
While organizational separation from educational stakeholders may be part of our historical legacy, inviting reengagement can be our current response. This call to connect researchers with an audience of organizational stakeholders aligns with AERA’s increasing commitment to address educational challenges through policy and community engagement and to work with diverse institutional and organizational stakeholders. She is a recipient of the 2016 Radford Prize, the highest honor bestowed by the Australian Association for Research in Education. These existing organizing frameworks on multiple levels in San Francisco provide significant opportunities for collaborative engagements with researchers, and they provide a destination vision for other educational organizations and stakeholders who wish to engage in broader, more united educational changes. The webinar will explore how the worldwide research community can collaboratively contribute to the design of COVID and post-COVID education and to the implementation of new research processes that can help inform stakeholders during and after the crisis. The energy to achieve. Stephanie Al Otaiba, Southern Methodist University. Dr. Panayiota Kendeou conducts groundbreaking research on the cognitive processes of reading comprehension. Her work is instrumental to future study of similarities and differences in educator preparation within and across countries. A Brookings Institution senior scholar, she is the creator of three popular methods that assess what infants and young children know about language, as well as the widely used term, “playful learning.” Her work on conversational turns has transformed the field of language development, shifting emphasis from the quantity of language that children hear to the quality of the conversations. Dr. Tatto has inspired a burst of new comparative studies in teacher education systems and policies. Culture@large: On freedom and radical imagination. 21361 B. Pacific Coast Hwy Malibu, CA 90265, ©2020 Language Magazine All Rights Reserved, Conversations with Experts in Multilingualism, Free Workshops for Bilingual Parents in California, Call to Reimagine English Learner Education, Inner Mongolians Protest Chinese Language Classes, New Research Shows Certain Languages, English Included, May Spread COVID-19 Faster, Miami Herald’s Spanish-Language Newspaper Causes Controversy Over Anti-Semitic Insert, Editor Resigns, Abu Dhabi Announces Five-Year Plan to Promote Arabic, How to Best Support English Learners at Home, City Schools Offer Guidance on English Learners, Low Adult Literacy Costs U.S. $2.2 Trillion a Year, The Children’s Equity Project Releases Equity Roadmap for Early Education, Online-Only International Students Must Leave US, Paul Simon Study Abroad Act Reintroduced to House, Kiwis Celebrate Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori – Māori Language Week, How to Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month, Homeschooling 101: Tips for Parents Adjusting Virtual Learning With Kids, Keep calm & communicate: COVID-19 Resources for Successful Remote Education, Research Reveals Children’s Linguistic Superpower. 114 (May), 307–340. This AERA-OECD webinar will examine priorities and planning for education research at a time when education and learning face uncertainty and dislocation. Education researchers formally distanced themselves from an organization of educational stakeholders as the country and the world confronted the daunting challenge of creating equitable school policies.
Wolff, P. (2019, January 23). Today its students mirror the nation and score poorly on standardized assessments of performance—only 49% proficiency in English and 38% in math. Maria Teresa Tatto, Arizona State University. In the 1960s, despite longstanding inequality, California boasted one of the nation’s best public school systems. The event will be held on Zoom. He currently serves as president of the American Anthropological Association’s Council on Anthropology and Education. Her work has been instrumental to the design of new methods that support young learners’ mathematical development. All rights reserved. Edmund 'Ted' Hamann, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. At the cutting edge of the education field, Dr. Floden’s research provides pathbreaking insights for teacher educators, researchers, and policy makers. In Mexico, the federal education ministry disseminated 20,000 copies of volumes co-authored by Dr. Hamann to education ministries and schools across the country. All the people: NEA’s legacy of inclusion and its minority presidents. All rights reserved. Dr. Warren has shaped the field of community-engaged scholarship, co-leading the first national comparative study of community organizing efforts at school reform. Click the name to jump to each fellow's citation of accomplishment and introductory video. An author of nine influential books, Dr. Finch has translated his educational measurement concepts to a wide audience of researchers. She has served as president of the Comparative and International Education Society, the leading professional society of the field, and has advanced the infrastructure for international collaborations through her leadership at the World Education Research Association. While wealth and neighborhood revitalization increase as gentrification reconfigures the Bay Area, the schools continue to struggle to attain the educational progress required by federal definitions of educational success (Rivano, 2018). The breadth of his scholarship is extensive, from working with students with learning disabilities across age ranges to conducting studies on modern digital writing technology as well as traditional manual modes of writing. San Jose, CA: American Anthropological Association. Informed and inspired by a “future-oriented historiography” (Kelley, 2018) of our past, we will intentionally come together with stakeholders representing a variety of educational organizations to expand our platform for research, practice, and policy. As co-founder of the AERA special interest group Grassroots Community and Youth Organizing for Education Reform, the Urban Research-Based Action Network, and the People’s Think Tank, he has played a key role in building a research-informed movement for educational and social justice.
Her research has been cited over 6,000 times, and she is the winner of an Early Career Impact Award from the Federation of Associations in Behavior and Brain Sciences. Dr. Jennifer M. Gore is one of Australia’s most influential researchers in teacher socialization and feminist pedagogy. His research centers around technology that supports reading and writing, effective instruction in elementary and secondary grades, and adult and postsecondary literacy. Although heretofore, Annual Meeting themes have also invoked and engaged the participation of the worlds of policy and practice, the 2020 theme seeks to catalyze engagement and collaboration at the organizational level. Her book The Struggle for Pedagogies was the first comprehensive analysis of radical pedagogy discourses. In 1968, amidst a national school desegregation crisis, education researchers exited the National Education Association (NEA) to form their own separate organization, the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Dr. Gore’s work has had far-reaching international impact, improving the lives of teachers and students and influencing the essential nature of practice in teaching and professional development. Dr. Janelle T. Scott's research sheds a crucial light on the process and politics of privatization and deregulation in public education. For over 50 years, AERA has been structurally disconnected from the educational communities about whom we write. San Francisco Palo Alto, CA: The 2020 Annual Meeting Call for Submissions Will Be Released on May 10; the Deadline for Submissions is July 10. Retrieved from Rather, we believe we can make reconnection more effective by inviting organizational leaders who bring knowledge, status, and constituents to critical educational topics and by engaging these leaders as equal-status professionals. A concern for educational equity underpins her work, as well as a commitment to influencing policy and practice to improve student and teacher outcomes. Bloom, E. (2017, October 7). Walker, V. S. (2018). The author or co-author of over 100 articles and book chapters and collaborator on grants totaling over $87 million, Dr. Floden has advanced scholarly collaboration through his extensive contributions to team projects and his building and enabling of research collectives. UPDATED January 2020 – Aera is experiencing a resurgence in recruitment fraud. All 2020 Tech & Skills Regional Conferences Canceled or Postponed