Gas and insurance included. That requires a commitment to ongoing learning, but too often the ingredients of learning are not well-understood or valued. Friday, November 16 at 7:30 p.m.: "A Night at the Improv with The Improve Group" at Brit's Pub in downtown Mpls. © 2020 The Center for Evaluation Innovation. 1660 L St NW, Suite 450, Washington, DC 20036.

PANEL. Multi-paper Sessions: Three or more paper presentations on a common theme.
Evaluation 2019 brings together evaluators, evaluation scholars, students, and evaluation users from around the world, where they are invited to assemble, share, and learn from the successes of the international discipline and practice of evaluation.

Weather. Accessible Training Opportunities: We also launched online training and group coaching sessions, and an in-person all-day workshop at heavily discounted rates for the TIG members. Event AEA 2019 in Minneapolis! Community. News. Light-rail transit (LRT) connects downtown Minneapolis with the airport, Mall of America, Saint Paul and 43 other stations. You can also reference this Indigenous Resource Guide!. Meet Minneapolis . This session presents findings from three empirical studies that sought to test and clarify central elements and relationships in guiding frameworks of Evaluation Capacity Building (ECB). -Minneapolis Skyway App      This year’s conference will include more than 40 professional development workshops, feature 700 evaluation presenters, and connect you with a community of more than 3,000 evaluators. Roundtables: 45-minute oral presentations, which typically include 15 minutes of presentation, followed by 30 minutes of discussion and feedback. Live-streaming of Evaluation 2019 plenary sessions, Access to recorded Presidential Strand sessions and four plenary sessions after the conference, Three-month access to the Virtual Conference recordings. 501(c)(4) organizations do not have these same restrictions. to receive emails with announcements about MAE's Annual Conference, How to Submit an AEA Presentation Proposal. Those of us who have joined AEA, or have chosen the profession of Evaluation, have done so because we believe our professional field allows us to shine our lights for the purpose of improving conditions for others to shine theirs. Ground transportation options from the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport include: Union Depot240 Kellogg Boulevard EastSt. Secure this rate by booking your stay before, Just steps from Target Center and Target Field, 10 miles or less from Mall of America and Science Museum of Minnesota, Bus fares range from $2.00 to $3.25, depending on time of day. If you need a hat, pair of gloves or scarf, stop by the MNEA Welcome Area (near conference registration).Tips from The Improve Group, MNEA is a proud sponsor of the AEA Conference Quiet and Meditation Area, Join us at local member-sponsored activitiesWednesday, November 14 at 8:00 p.m.: Book Launch Celebration for Michael Quinn Patton. Using the example of a culturally responsive evaluation of a reservation-based community leadership program supported by the Blandin Foundation, this session explores how funders and evaluators can engage in transformational relationships together and with communities. 2019 marks the American Evaluation Association’s (AEA) 33rd Annual Conference, taking place November 11 – 16 in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Minneapolis Convention Center and the Hilton Minneapolis. Evaluation 2019 is a learning opportunity that you won’t want to miss. Thursday, November 15 at 7:00 a.m.:  Breakfast at Eggy's--first-time conference attendees are invited to join local members for breakfast. Demonstrations: Formal 45- or 90-minute presentations that show how to use or apply an evaluation concept or tool. Minneapolis, MN.

Each paper presenter will have approximately 15 minutes to present and discuss the key points of their work. Are you wondering where to eat and what to do? No matter your skill level, Evaluation 2019 will provide the opportunity to be involved in the shared experience through a variety of presentations and learning formats. Conferences. For MNEA Members. Paul Magazine  But despite philanthropy’s growing awareness that complex change requires continuous learning and adaptation, few foundations have explored how their board routines—how accountability is operationalized, how performance expectations are set and measured, how staff focus and prepare board materials and presentations—need to shift for complex work. It delves into frameworks, methodologies, and pragmatic strategies that can help reflection and learning to stick. Click on the images to read the Local Guides MNEA members made for you!

The panel brings empirical evidence to bear on long-accepted, but largely untested ECB assumptions, utilizes a broad literature base to interpret and contextualize the findings, and translates findings into recommendations for future research and concrete strategies to enhance ECB practice. Think Tank: 45- or 90-minute sessions focusing on a single issue or question. Catch the train on the Blue or Green line. Resources. Panel: This formal, thematic, 45- or 90-minute presentation focuses on an issue facing the field of evaluation. For questions about the 2019 virtual conference, please contact AEA at

Foundations and nonprofits … 2019 marks the American Evaluation Association’s (AEA) 33rd Annual Conference, taking place November 11 – 16 in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Minneapolis Convention Center and the Hilton Minneapolis. For MNEA Members. 2019 Conference Program. Get insights about how to shift boards’ mental models, materials, and conversations to get higher-quality learning grounded in data. American Evaluation Association’s (AEA) 33rd Annual Conference takes place in Minneapolis, Minnesota on November 11 – 16.Evaluation 2019 brings together evaluators, evaluation scholars, students, and evaluation users from around the world, where they are invited to assemble, share, and learn from the successes of the international discipline and practice of evaluation. As a Virtual Conference attendee, you will receive both live and recorded access to the Presidential Strand presentations and plenary sessions focused … Location. Evaluator Competencies. AEA 2019 in Minneapolis! 2019 AEA Conference. The virtual component of Evaluation 2019 allows evaluators who are unable to join us in Minneapolis to experience the education and networking opportunities of the in-person event. Evaluation 2019 will be held at the Minneapolis Convention Center and the Hilton Minneapolis. Evaluator Competencies. WORKSHOP: Building Capacity to Learn Presenters: Ben Liadsky, Andrew Taylor, Julia Coffman, Tanya Beer. Tweet. The Hyatt Regency's nightly rate is $229 for single and double occupancy ($254 for triple/quad occupancy).
Mid-week temps will start to rise reaching a balmy 34 degrees by Friday. Where should we eat?-Reader’s Picks in Mpls/St. This practical workshop builds skills in sensing and influencing the factors that enable learning both internally and between organizations. Secure this rate by booking your stay before Friday, October 18. This session shares a new framework for understanding ECB leadership, with concrete examples and strategies from evaluation directors at the Kauffman and Barr Foundations. Attendees break into small groups to explore the issue or question and reconvene to share their understanding through a discussion. Evaluation 2019 will be held at the Minneapolis Convention Center and the Hilton Minneapolis. Using the Evaluation Roundtable, the Equitable Evaluation Initiative, and the Funder & Evaluator Affinity Network as case examples, this session explores the often implicit values different people bring to their work and invites us to be more explicit about the values that guide field advancements. PANEL. Existing frameworks for evaluation capacity building (ECB) highlight the critical role that internal leaders play in this process: they can bolster efforts, bring them to a halt, or even cause backsliding on evaluation capacity. Conferences. Wear a winter coat. Join or Renew. CEI Presentations. Evaluation 2019 brings together evaluators, evaluation scholars, students, and evaluation users from around the world, where they are invited to assemble, share, and learn from the successes of the international discipline and practice of evaluation. The national funder summarizes the findings of a study it commissioned of its monitoring, evaluation and learning practices; the state-level funder describes their use of internal workshops to build evaluative thinking skills among staff; and the local funder highlights how it embedded evaluation strategies to support a continuous learning framework in partnership with grantees. American Evaluation Association 2019 Conference About Evaluation 2019. We are being challenged to develop new analytical frames and methods, along with new skills that go well beyond social science. Conference History: AEA has held its annual conference in geographically dispersed locations in the US and with our partners at the Canadian Evaluation Society. Check out our sessions and related resources. Amid a growing commitment to results, foundations are adding evaluation staff, functions, and capacities. 19 Feb 2019 . Are you wondering where to eat and what to do? Evaluation officers at a national, state, and local foundation share the results of their respective paths to examine how evaluation results are used in their grantmaking.